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Nobody's P.O.V
Since they were all getting married they decided to have a double wedding! The day was finally here. Barry Allen and Oliver Queen were gonna marry the loves of their life.

Barry's P.O.V
The wedding started as Ollie and I were at the end of the aisle waiting for the finances. Then we saw them.  They were both beautiful and I couldn't be happier. They finally reached us. We said our I do's and now it was time for our vows. I went first. "Cait, I never knew I could love someone so much until I met you. You make me better, you complete me. This past year has been the best year of my life and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I will love you forever and always Caitlin Snow".  Caitlin's smiler with tears in her eyes and said "Barry you made me feel alive again. I never felt this way with anyone before until I met you. It took me awhile to realize it but I love you so much. I know that we will always be together and have an amazing future. I will love you forever and always". 

Oliver's P.O.V
Caitlin and Barry's vows were beauties and would be hard to top. I smiled at the most beautiful women I had ever seen and said "Dinah Laurel Lance, I have loved you since before I knew what love was. I have loved you for more than half my life and I am so excited to love you for the rest of it. The times we weren't together were the worst times in my life and I now know that I will never feel this way again. I will always love you Laurel Lance". I looked to her with tears in my eyes and she smiled with tears in her beautiful brown eyes. She began " Oliver, I may not of always known it but you were always meant to be mine. I couldn't imagine standing up here with anyone else other than you. Not that I would want to be either. I have always been yours no matter what has happened between us. Being here, right now means that we will get to experience our life together and begin a family and I can't wait!!".

Other next part will be the last! Thanks for reading!!!

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