Part 2: Start of Oliver's story

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Nobody's P.O.V
Oliver has been the Green Arrow for  a while now. He has always been a hero since he returned from the Island. Oliver also was in love... with 2 young women. Their names were Dinah Laurel Lance and Felicity Smoak. He loved them but knew they wouldn't love him back until one day...

Oliver's P.O.V
I was at the Mayors office working when I get an alert saying the Arrow Cave had been broken into. I ran out of the office knowing Felicity had been there working. When I finally arrived I saw Felicity being held at gun point, crying. That's when she said "Oliver I'm sorry I never told you before but I Love you". That was one of the best things I've ever heard.  So I filled with anger and took down the man with gun. It turned out to be a member from the now gone H.I.V.E. Before I could even talk more to Felicity I got a 911 from Laurel. I left saying to Felicity "We will talk when I get back".  I thought "Boy this day is starting to suck".

Laurel's P.O.V
I messaged Oliver with a 911 message even though there was nothing wrong. I had done a lot of thinking and I really wanted to talk to Oliver. About 10 minutes later Oliver came running in with his bow in hand. As I saw him I knew everything I was gonna say had to be said. Oliver looked around in fear. I said to him " I'm sorry I lied but I really needed to talk to you to get this off my chest". Oliver finally calmed down and sat down next to me on the couch. He looked and me with love and I knew he loved me too. So I took a deep breath and said to him " I know that I told you I didn't love you but I started thinking, and I realized that you are the one for me. I love to see you, see you smile, see you in your suit. I love everything about you... I am truly and deeply in love with you". Even though I knew he loved me I was nervous. Oliver looked at me I'm shock and said "I...

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