Part 1: start of Barry's story

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So let's begin... the story follows the same storyline with some other changes. Barry Allen became a hero called the Flash over 6 years ago. He met this beautiful Doctor when he awoke from coma, Caitlin Snow. Once Barry became the Flash he formed a team which included Cisco Ramon, Joe West, H.R Wells, Jesse Wells, Caitlin Snow and Iris West. Iris West has been the love of Barry's life since he was 11 when he had to move in with her father after his mother was murdered by the Reverse Flash. After Barry woke he began to have feeling with Caitlin Snow, along with Iris West. Never did he believe that they would both end up falling for him as well.
Barry's P.O.V:
It was a normal day when I got an alert from Cisco about a meta human. Barry ran and got his suit and when to confront the meta human. The meta human called himself " Raptor" and shot Barry with his power. Barry screamed in pain and ran back to Star Labs. Barry fell to the floor in agony as Caitlin and Cisco ran to him. They took him to the medbay and thought of a plan.
Caitlins P.O.V
As I sat and watched Barry unconscious, I felt something I haven't felt in a long time since Barry fought Zoom and since Ronnie. As she sat waiting for him to wake she started thinking... "what is this feeling?". That's when it hit her... she was in love with Barry Allen!
Iris P.O.V
I am at work, working on an article about the Flash saving the city once again. That's when I got a call about Barry and went running... then I saw him. Laying there unconscious, Caitlin sitting next to him. I felt a sting of anger and jealousy seeing her with him. That last time she felt like that was when Barry was with Linda Park. That's when I knew... I finally loved Barry back. After all of these years...

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