Chapter 4: Pastel, Photographs and Hazzie

Beginne am Anfang

“You’re stupid.” I rolled my eyes at her and let out a fake exasperated sigh as I lied back on the bed.

“What was that?” Ivy asked after a couple of seconds of touching up her lip gloss.

“What’s what?” I asked her.

“Did you not just hear the door slam from down stairs?” she asked me, her eyes showed a glint of fears and she bit her lip, a habit she had, it was how I knew when she was scared.

“It was probably just your mum coming home,” I assured her.

“Mum’s on night shift at the hospital!” Ivy whispered in panic.

“Shit.” My eyes searched around Ivy’s room to find anything that I could use for a weapon.

“Tennis rackets,” Ivy whispered, I just reached out my arms fast enough to avoid the tennis racket that Ivy hurled at me from hitting my face.

“Let’s go.” I jumped off of the bed, and advanced towards the stairs in front of Ivy’s room. “Hey whoever you are you better show your face right now!” I yelled as I tip toed down the stairs.

“Shut up you idiot, it’s not like the lurker is going to be like, I’m in the kitchen would you like a freakin’ sandwich? No, shut up,” Ivy whispered at me.

“Hey guys!” the lurker called back from what sounded the living room, making Ivy and I stop on the last and the second last steps of the stairs.

“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. Just charge into the living room holding your bat up high in the air and hit him in the crotch, you go for the lower half and I’ll go for the head, okay?” Ivy whispered in my ear quietly.

 Ivy and I tiptoed the rest of the way to the living room and then pressed ourselves up against the wall the leads to the living room. “One, two, three!” Ivy drew the ‘e’ in the last word out as she charged towards the lurker who was sitting on the couch, I followed close behind her screaming as I aimed my racket towards the man’s crotch area and hit him hard with it.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch. Hey what the fuck Hazel!?” the man screeched between hits to his head and crotch.

“He knows your name, he’s a stalker!” Ivy screamed slamming the tennis racket down on the mans head, this time the racket went through and the man’s head broke the racket.

“I’m not a stalker, I’m her best friend!” the man yelled making me realise who it was.

“Declan, you scared the shit out of us!” I screamed at him.

“Well you beat the shit out of me, the twins are probably going to be bruised now!” he whinged, cupping his manly area with his hands and wincing in pain.

“You shouldn’t have scared us then,” I complained.

“Can we just go, we’re going to be late,” he replied.

Declan began to slowly get up from his position on the class, he held on to his “twins” while continuing to wince in pain as he readied himself to walk.

“Oh don’t be a wimp,” Ivy complained before pushing Declan who quickly balanced himself before sending an evil look to Ivy.

Nick’s house looked like an average, everyday family household. Anybody would think it was completely normal if not for the loud, pumping music, couples making out on the front lawn and hollering and splashing noises coming from the back yard.

“Is there alcohol at this party, because I’m going to need some to numb the pain in my testicles,” Declan grumbles for the hundredth time tonight, it’s not like we did any permanent damage to them, they would heal.

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