Chapter 59: A wake-up call

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Haechan was still in hiatus.

Mark and Haechan had kissed each other.

They hadn't talked since.

Mark was angry at himself and sad because he missed Haechan.

Haechan was disappointed but also hopeful.

Haechan felt frustrated because Mark had kissed him but in the end it led to nothing.
But deep inside of Haechan was hope. Because Mark had kissed him.
So maybe the older had feelings for him too?

Mark, on the other hand, didn't know what he should do now.

He messed up.

Big time.

He had wanted to kiss Haechan. But he didn't want to acknowledge why.

He was angry at himself that he had hurt the younger.
He knew about Haechan's feelings. He had read his diary, what already was a mistake, but also playing with his feelings?
Mark almost hated himself for doing that. How could he be such an asshole?

He was too scared to approach Haechan. To text him or call him.
What if the younger hated him now?

But everything changed one day during a meeting with their manager.

"So I have news for you", their manager announced.

"You already know about the new comeback, that is coming. But I have a surprise for you.", after a short but dramatic pause he continued, "Haechan-ssi will be back for it."

Everyone in the room was surprised but also happy.
Without Haechan 127 wouldn't be what it is. They already lost WinWin. Missing two members was even harder.

"Of course he won't dance with you. But he will sing in this song and be in the music video", their manager explained.

"He will come next week, when you will record the song in the studio."

And then Mark stopped listening.

He would see Haechan sooner than he had expected.
And that made Mark panick.

He had one week to think about what he would say.
Or maybe it was better, if he would already call him before or at least send him a text message?
Argh, Mark was so confused.

The meeting continued but Mark barely paid attention to it. He was aware of the most important things said and that should hopefully be enough.

Mark was still awake although it was already in the middle of the night.

But he couldn't sleep.

He needed to speak with Haechan before the boy would come back. Or do anything. Or-

Mark got frustrated. There were so many thoughts in his head. He needed to silence them.

So he grabbed his phone and quickly typed the message before he could think some more.

"Hey, Haechanie.

I hope you are alright.

I heard you come back for the new comeback. That is great.

No, really. It is great! I am happy to see you again.

So what I actually wanted to talk about is

Let's forget the kiss, okay?

I just want my best friend back and I hope you want that too. Alright?

Beautiful Time ~ NCT Dream (0T7) {Nomin, Markhyuck, Chensung}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu