Chapter 20: Yesterday

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Mark, Taeyong and Doyoung came home from their shoot of "Yestoday".

When they entered the living room, they found Haechan sitting on the couch, playing with his phone.

Mark immediately smiled and greeted him. "Hi, Haechan."

But Haechan only looked up at him with a pout, stood up and left to his room without a word and slammed the door shut.

Mark turned around to the others with a confused look, asking if he did something wrong.

The others just shrugged, saying they had no idea.

So Mark also went to his room, thinking of anything, he could have messed up.

But he couldn't think of anything.

Today he woke up early and went to the shoot of "Yestoday" and he just came home a few minutes ago.

So nothing could have happend today.

And yesterday everything was fine between them.

Mark went to bed early to be fit for the shoot and-

"Oh shit" Mark face palmed.

They wanted to watch a movie together yesterday evening.

Mark totally forgot by all the stress, he had, with his many comebacks.

"I need to tell him, that I am not ignoring him again. Aish. Why am I so dumb?", Mark spoke to himself.

He instantly jumped of his chair and ran to Haechan's room, ripping the door open.

But all he found was a Jaehyun, who looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Eh-", Mark started.

"He went to the bathroom", Jaehyun said and continued reading his book.

"Okay. Thank you.", Mark said and quickly went to the living room to wait for Haechan.

But when the bathroom door opened, the expected boy didn't came out, but instead a smiling Taeil.

"Have you seen Haechan?", Mark asked impatiently.

"Oh. Yes, I have. He put on his shoes, when I went to the bathroom. Probably he has gone outside."

"Okay. Thank you.", Mark also thanked Taeil and hurried to put on his shoes and a jacket to go outside to search for the boy.

When he left the warmth of the doorm, he thought about, where he could find the younger boy.

After a few seconds, he got an idea.

"There is actually only one place, where he could have gone right now. The Dream dorm.", Mark thought to himself.

So he ran to this place.

When he arrived, he was out of breath. He rang the bell and a surprised Jaemin answered the door.

"Is Haechan here?", Mark asked, still trying to catch his breath.

"No. He was here a few minutes ago though. He went to the court with Jisung, Chenle and Jeno to play some basketball.", Jaemin gave him an encouragingly smile.

"Thank you", Mark said and turned around to go to the others.

He knew the court, Jaemin was talking about. It was the court, they always went to to play some football or dodgeball, but mostly to play basketball.

When he neared the court, he breathed a sigh of relief.
He heard a ball repeatedly hitting the ground and saw four heads.
The one with red hair on top, was directly seen by Mark.

Beautiful Time ~ NCT Dream (0T7) {Nomin, Markhyuck, Chensung}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang