Chapter 4: I don't want to be alone tonight

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"Taste this", Jeno says with a spoon in his hand.

Jaemin opens his mouth and tastes the soup.
"It's delicious", he says with a smile.

Jeno smiles back.
Actually they haven't stop smiling since they entered the kitchen. They are happy to spend time together again.

"Are you sure, you want to sleep on the couch tonight?", Jaemin asks, while Jeno cuts some tomatoes.

"Sure, it is not a problem. Don't worry."

"I know", Jaemin leans closer. "But you know....You could also sleep with me in my bed tonight." Jeno flushes red. "Jaemin." "It wouldn't be the first time."

"Do you really think it is a good idea?", Jeno raises a brow.

"Yes. Why not?", Jaemin asks, slightly pouting.

"You know why, Jaeminie."

"Jaeminie?", Jaemin's smile is back. "Call me that again."

Jeno stops cutting the tomatoes and turns towards Jaemin. "Jaeminie."

Jaemin whines. "Can you say that more often, please? I love to get called like that."

"I can try.", Jeno takes a step closer.

"Okay, but seriously. Don't let me sleep alone tonight. You know I hate it to sleep alone. Especially tonight, since it is my first night back here. Please.", Jaemin begs with puppy eyes.

"I still don't think it is a good idea. Besides you have to learn to sleep here alone anyways. So why not starting tonight?", Jeno says and brings some distance between them.

"You are a meanie", Jaemin pouts and steps closer again.

"Jaemin, stop."

"I'm not doing anything.", Jaemin closes the last few inches between them and puts his arms tightly around Jeno, hugging him.
"I really missed you."

"I really missed you too", Jeno reciprocates the hug.

After a few minutes hugging and holding each other close, they continue cooking.

They sing together and move their hips. They are laughing, they are happy, because they are each other's happiness.

After a few minutes Jaemin gets bored. Jeno is fully concentrating on cooking and doesn't give him any attention anymore.
He takes a spoon full of sauce and directs it in Jeno's direction.

"Jeno-ah", Jaemin whines and before Jeno even had the chance to look up, Jaemin throws the sauce on Jeno's face.

"Oh my god.", Jaemin laughs. "I didn't mean it to be so much sauce.", Jaemin says after he sees that Jeno's whole cheek is covered with sauce.

"You are in trouble, Na Jaemin.", Jeno says in a dark voice, but in his eyes you can see a glint of humour.

"No, no, no, no", Jaemin slowly steps back. He turns around and tries to run away, but Jeno is faster and grabs him by the waist.

He turns Jaemin around and looks deep in his eyes.
"You shouldn't have done this", Jeno leans slightly back, "Jaeminie".

A shiver runs down Jaemin's spine.

Jeno leans over and grabs the spoon, also filling it with sauce.
"And you said, that I am the meanie", Jeno chuckles, with one arm still around Jaemin's waist.

"And maybe you are right", he says and throws the sauce in Jaemin's face.

"Ugh!", Jaemin's nose and cheek, down to his lips are covered with sauce.

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