Chapter 53: Candle Light

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Christmas was slowly coming closer.

SM was preparing another station for the Dreamies. This time with Jaemin.

With this song, they also wanted to say goodbye to Mark, who would leave Dream after the year ended.

The seven boys were concentrating on the recording of the song and the music video. But Mark was also concentrating on something else.

In the beginning he actually wanted to ignore the words, which were written in Haechan's diary but after a while he just couldn't.

Haechan said in his diary that a friend had given him the advice to write his feelings down.

And this implied that someone else also knew about Haechan's feelings for Mark.

And this irked Mark.

He didn't know why.
Was it because someone else knew about it before he himself did?
Or was it because someone knew at all?
Mark wasn't sure, he just didn't like it.

So in the next days, he tried to find out who this someone was.

Of course Mark couldn't just go to someone and ask the person, if he knew that Haechan was in love with him.

So he tried to be discrete.

First he went to Renjun.
He and Haechan seemed really close in the last few months, and they also seemed to share a secret. Maybe this secret was about Haechan's feelings for Mark.

One time, Mark and Renjun were alone in the dance practice room.
Since they also had to prepare for a lot of shows in the end of the year, the Dreamies were often found there (just like the rest of NCT).
The other boys were buying food and bubble tea, which they would eat together with the two oldest.

"Hey, Renjun?", Mark asked to get the attention of the younger.

"Yeah?", Renjun asked, after he finished drinking his water.

"So, how are you doing these days?", Mark asked, since he didn't know, how he should approach the topic.

"Huh? Uhm, fine I guess.", Renjun shrugged. "Why are you asking?"

"Oh, just wanted to know.", Mark also shrugged. "So, you and Haechan seem pretty close this days.", it was acutally a question but sounded more like a statement.

Mark started fidgeting with his fingers but Renjun didn't give it much attention. "Possible. I didn't really paid much attention to it but yeah, I think we are talking more.", Renjun answered, slightly confused.

"Are you sharing any secrets?", Mark asked jokingly, so Renjun wouldn't become suspicious.

"No, not really", Renjun lied, because there was a secret they shared. It just wasn't about Haechan's feelings.

"Okay. Just became curious about what made you two so close", Mark shrugged again, like this conversation wasn't actually really important to him.

"Oh, I guess we just found a topic, we love to talk about together."

Before Mark could ask, which topic it was, the other boys came shouting into the room, arguing about where the best tonkatsu place was.

And so the conversation between Renjun and Mark ended.
Mark also now thought that Renjun wasn't the person, who adviced Haechan with the diary, so he didn't ask him further about it.

The next time, he found himself alone with Jeno, so he asked the younger, if he thought that Haechan was acting different these days.

Jeno only shrugged, saying that he thought that Haechan didn't change and was just himself like always.

Beautiful Time ~ NCT Dream (0T7) {Nomin, Markhyuck, Chensung}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora