Chapter 3: Cute

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Jisung turns around and sees that Chenle is looking at him with puppy eyes.

"Mhh?", Jisung raises a brow.

"Do you think we can be roomates again, now that Jaemin is back?", Chenle asks with a pout.

"Cute", Jisung thinks and has the urge to squish Chenle's cheeks.

"Maybe.", Jisung shows a little smile. "I mean, I bet Jeno-Hyung and Renjun-Hyung will probably fight to be roomates with Jaemin-Hyung, since we are so annoying."
Jisung starts laughing and Chenle joins him.

"I don't think you are annoying. I have missed you as my roomate.", Chenle says with a pout again.

Since Jaemin has been in hiatus, Chenle has been roomates with Renjun, while Jeno and Jisung have shared the other room.
And Mark and Haechan lives in the 127 doorm anyways.

Chenle and Jisung are in the kitchen making drinks for the others.

"I know.", Jisung says with a little laugh. "All the times, you sneak in my bed, are the proof for it.", Jisung teases.

Chenle pouts even more. "You know that I have nightmares and can't sleep without cuddling at these nights."

"I know. I'm sorry.", Jisung threads his hand through Chenle's hair.

"And Renjung wouldn't cuddle with me", Chenle crosses his arms.

"Oh, I understand", says Jisung mirroring Chenle's action. "You only use me, because Renjun rejects you."

"That's not true!", Chenle whispers sulking. "You know I would prefer you anyways."

"So it's only an excuse that Renjun doesn't want to cuddle with you.", Jisung smirks. "Did you even try to go in his bed and get comforted by him?"

"W-wha....N-no....I m-mean....Emm...."

Jisung's smirk grows even wider.

"Jisung, Chenle come to the living room, Manager is here.", Jaemin screams.

"That is not over!", Jisung tells him still smirking, turning around and going to the living room.

Chenle slowly follows.

"Okay we have a problem for the night. The single bed of Jaemin haven't arrived yet, so one of you needs to sleep on the couch tonight.", Manager explains the five Dreamies.

"And I don't want it to be Jaemin. He just came back from hiatus, he doesn't need a sore back immediately, when he is back." The other nod in understanding.

"And another bad news for you guys. Since Jaemin still needs to rest, I want him to sleep alone in a room."

"What?", the other exclaim.

"B-but that means the rest of us....", Renjun says hesitantly.

"Yeah. The four of you needs to share the other room. I'm sorry.", Manager confirms. "You will sleep in the room with the bunk bed. One of the two single bed will come to this room tonight, while the second one has to wait, till Jaemin's new bed arrives."

The other nod again in understandment.

"Jaemin can have my bed for the night", Renjun says. "I can sleep on the couch."

"No, you can sleep in the top bunk of the bunk bed. I'm used to sleep on the couch anyways, since Jisung sometimes snores so loud that I can't sleep.", Jeno says with a small smile in Jaemin's direction, who reciprocates it.

"Hey!", Jisung shouts and Chenle giggles.

"Oh, then it will be fun sharing a room with you guys",Renjun says slightly annoyed.

"I'm sorry", Manager says again. "You only have to deal with it, till we are sure, Jaemin is completely fine again. I can't tell you, how much time it will take. But I hope it won't last for long.", Manager says with an apologizing smile.

"I also have to go now. It's getting late and I still have a lot of things to do. If something important occurs, I'm downstairs in my apartment.", Managers stands up, waves and leaves.

"So, Jeno, should we do the work and remove Chenle's bed to our now shared room?", Renjun asks.

"Y-yeah, sure.", Jeno says and follows Renjun to the room, after one final glance at Jaemin.

"Oh my god. Jisungie we are roomates again. Finally!", Chenle beams.

"At least you two can be happy about it", Jaemin says.

"Oh, don't complain. You have a room all for yourself.", Chenle argues.

"I'm not complaining. I'm just sorry for Jeno and Renjun. They have to deal with you two the whole night", Jaemin counters.

"Or are you just sad, that you don't share a room with Jeno-Hyung?", Jisung teases.

"What is with me?", asks Jeno, who enters the room.

"Nothing, Jeno-ah. Jisung and Chenle are just talking nonsense again.", Jaemin says shyly.

"Okay", Jeno laughs.
"Chenle, Jisung, Renjun and me need your help. Jaemin you should rest. After we have removed the bed, we can cook something together.", Jeno offers.

"Sounds good", Jaemin smiles.

Jisung and Chenle stand up to help Renjun, Jeno follows.

After they removed the bed, Jaemin and Jeno are in the kitchen preparing their dinner, while Renjun takes a nap, since removing the bed was "too exhausting after dance practice the whole day".
Jisung sits on the couch, while Chenle lays on it, with his head in Jisung's lap.

Jisung threads his hand through Chenle's hair.

"Do you think we will stay best friends for ever?", Chenle asks and looks up to Jisung.

"I hope so. What would I do without you my little Chenle?", Jisung says in a teasing tone and tickles Chenle.

Chenle giggles and Jisung has to smile. Even tho Chenle's dolphine scream is sometimes unbearable, his giggle is the cutest thing Jisung's ears have ever heard.

"But what makes you ask that?", Jisung asks with a more serious tone. He caress Chenle's cheek.

"I don't know. Jaemin-Hyung is back and he and Jeno-Hyung act like they did bevor Jaemin left. I know, they saw each other in school. But what if they haven't? Would they still be best friends?", Chenle asks and leans in to the touch.

"Oh.", Jisung says and thinks. "Yes, I think, they would still be best friends. They know each other since a long time and can't live without each other. Just like us. I also can't live without you.", Jisung admits with a little blush.

"Good, because I also can't live without you.", Chenle smiles. He takes Jisung's other hand and starts to play with his fingers.

They both love moments like this. They feel comfortable and safe. Like nothing in the world can seperate them.
And they hope that it will always be like that.

But life is never like you hope and think it will be. And Jisung and Chenle will learn this too.

Beautiful Time ~ NCT Dream (0T7) {Nomin, Markhyuck, Chensung}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant