Chapter 54: And now?

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So Jisung found out that he had feelings for his best friend.

Not just any feelings. But romantic feelings.

And now Jisung had to answer one question: What did that mean for them?

He knew Jaemin and Jeno were in a relationship. Could Chenle and he become a couple too?
Did Chenle even have feelings for him like Jisung did?
Was he even ready to show his feelings to Chenle?

Jisung tried his best to treat Chenle just the way he did before he realized that he was in love with the older.

And it mostly worked. The only thing that changed was that Jisung became a lot more aware of the way he was acting towards Chenle and Chenle's reactions.

But sometimes, when Jisung felt happy and confident, he slightly hinted his feelings for Chenle.

For example, during the shoot of "Candle Light" he made a heart with his little notebook and showed it in Chenle's direction.

Or he showed it by becoming more affectionate with Chenle, like initiating hugs first or caressing Chenle's cheek, when Chenle was falling asleep in his arms during the nights, they spent together.

Jisung also showed his love for Chenle by complimenting the older more often, without any idea, what these compliments did to Chenle's heart.

Or he would help Chenle more often. For example with a choreography or with cooking or with his math homework.

Jisung did his best to show Chenle, how important the older actually was to him.
But Jisung didn't once named his feelings for Chenle out loud.

Some time passed. It was a Thursday and Chenle came home from a day with his family.

It was already dinner time, so Chenle went into the kitchen to eat with the others.

When he sat down and everyone started to dig in their food, Chenle realized that he was missing.

"Where is Jisung?", Chenle asked the others with confusion.

They all looked up from their food and Chenle saw in their eyes that what they had to say wouldn't make him happy.

Jaemin sighed. "Jisung's parents called earlier. We don't know what they talked about but after the call ended, Jisung was devastated. He cried and ran out of the dorm."

"Okay and where is he now?", Chenle interrupted but did his best not to shout, worry completely engulfing him.

"We went after him", Jeno explained. "But we couldn't find him. When we called him, he didn't answer. But he wrote us a message, saying that he was fine. So we decided to give him some time alone."

Chenle nodded understanding but deep inside he was still worried.

"Don't worry about it, Chenle-ah. I am sure he is alright, okay? He is not a kid anymore. I mean he is our baby but he can take care of himself.", Renjun tried to calm Chenle.

"And if he isn't back before ten, we will go out and look for him again, okay?", Jeno also tried to reassure Chenle.

"No", Chenle hit the table with his fist. "I need to find him now!"

Chenle stood up and the other shouted after him, trying to stop him.

When Chenle put on his shoes and his jacket in the speed of light, the others still tried to convince him to stay but Chenle wouldn't listen.

"If I don't find him, I will be back before ten. I promise!", and with that Chenle was out of the door.

Chenle had an idea where Jisung could be.

Often, when Jisung felt sad or upset, he went to the playground, which was close to their dorm.

So Chenle quickly ran there and when he arrived, he saw that he was right.

On one of the swings sat Jisung with tears in his eyes.

Chenle ran to him and gave Jisung just a second to recognize him before he engulfed him in a tight hug.

Jisung hugged back but his arms were loose around Chenle, since the younger started crying again.

Chenle caressed his hair with one hand and his back with the other.

"Whatever happened, I am here for you", Chenle whispered in Jisung's ear. He didn't want the younger to tell him what happened, he just wanted to show him that he was there for him, if he wanted to tell him.

Jisung didn't say anything for a long time, just continued to hug Chenle.

But after a while of silence, a quiet "Thank you" was heard.

"Nothing to thank me for", Chenle whispered back and was brave enough to kiss Jisung's cheek.
Normally, the younger would freak out about a cheek kiss but in a moment like this it was nothing but comforting.

But since Jisung realized his feelings for the older, a kiss like this, also made his heart beat faster and butterflies erupt in his stomach.

They slowly let go of each other but Chenle still stood close to Jisung.

"Do you want to talk about it?", Chenle softly asked.

Jisung looked up at him with still teary eyes but his crying mostly had stopped.

"I had a huge fight with my mom.", Jisung quietly explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry", Chenle said and sat down on the swing next to Jisung's.

"It is not your fault", Jisung tried to give Chenle a smile.

"I know. But I also know how bad it can feel to argue with your parents.", Chenle smiled back.

"We both just said some really mean stuff and I- I just needed some air to breathe", Jisung sighed.

"I understand this.", Chenle showed his empathy.

"Are you feeling better?", he asked after some seconds of silence.

"A little bit. I need some time but I think I will visit her tomorrow. To talk about it face to face.", Jisung answered.

"That sounds like a good idea.", Chenle hold his hand up for Jisung and Jisung gladly intertwined their fingers.

"Thank you. For looking and coming for me.", Jisung squeezed their intertwined hands.

"Always", Chenle only said and squeezed back.

They started to swing and just felt free for a few minutes.

Chenle wrote a message to their Hyungs saying that he found Jisung and that they were fine.

After a while they stopped swinging and Chenle thought it would be better to go home now.

So he stood up and reached his hand out for Jisung to grab and also to stand up.

Jisung took Chenle's hand in his but instead of standing up, he pulled Chenle on his lap.

"W-What are you doing?", Chenle asked blushing.

But Jisung only pulled him into another hug. "Seriously, thank you for always being by my side."

Chenle giggled quielty because Jisung sometimes was just too cute.

"I promised you, I would always be.", Chenle caressed Jisung's cheek up to his hair.

Jisung looked in Chenle's eyes and he was so tempted to just tell the older that he was so deep in love with him.

But he didn't.

Instead, after a while on sitting on the swing together, they stood up and walked home.

But Jisung hoped that one day he would be brave enough to tell Chenle and the world that he was in love with the smaller.

And that better before it was too late.

A/n: Hi, my lovely readers.
My curious ass wanted to know where you are from, around this world? I, myself, am from Germany. :)

I hope you like the new chapter. <3

Beautiful Time ~ NCT Dream (0T7) {Nomin, Markhyuck, Chensung}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin