Musa Kamala

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Musa Kamala is from the anime 'Run with the wind'. He is a Space and Engineering foreign student from Tanzania. What I personally loved about Musa is that he is not your stereotypical black character. He is not who is just because of where he is from. His Japanese and relationships with the Japanese people around him seem real. His Japanese is not perfect, but at the same time does not have some weird, outlandish accent. I also really like the fact that he is in touch with his 'feminine side' but is not potrayed to me gay in anyway. He is sweet, empathetic, emotional and loves pink. These qualities are considered to be traditionally feminine, but Musa does not try to hide these and is comfortable with himself. Overall, Musa is a well thought out and unique character in a cool well though out anime and it is a pleasure to see him in Run with the wind.

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