Angel Beats

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Have you ever wondered what happens after you die? Do u go to heaven or,get reincarnated, become a ghost or is it just oblivion?Angel beats will show you one possibility of what happens when you die, especially if you die young. Angel beats is written by Jun Maeda, the write who gave us treasures like Clannad, Kanon and Little busters. This is enough to explain how good Angel Beats is. But keep reading if you wish to know more about this master piec

The story follows Yuzuru Otonashi, who has recently come into the afterlife. Otonashi has no recollection of his life and knows nothing about the afterlife. A series of rather unfortunate and random events he learns that the afterlife has one villan, or so he's told. Tenshi has the power to end your time in the afterlife. After this, tou could be reincarnated as a toad, fish or worm and who would want that? So he decides to fight back, but not alone, with the SSS aka Shinda Sekai Sensen.

Slight spoilers after this so continue at your own discretion

What I really loved about this anime is it's pacing and it's message. This anime starts of as a action fantasy show but it evolves into so much more. During the first few episodes, we get attached to the characters while enjoying the comedy and action, then the real story begins.

We see that there is so much more going on behind the happy faces these characters put up. They're all in some sort of pain, struggling and Tenshi was just trying to free them from it. It shows us our fears of losing ourselves, but sometimes it best to let go and move on. It also conveys the importance of organ donation so beautifully, it's truly beautiful.

This anime is also very beautiful visually. The animation is very aesthetic. But my favorite part of the production, is the music. Specifically the opening song, My soul, your beats. It makes me feel things just like the anime. It is perfect for the story, but beautiful on its own. The vocals are absolutely stunning and inspiring and make me wanna sing. So i did that. PS I'm not trained or a professional so please dont judge too hard. Thank you

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