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Kobato, the girl and her story. This anime follows the life, or should I say the afterlife of Kobato. She has a wish, and a way to obtain it. To do so, Kobato must collect a 100 'konpeito' or candy by healing people's heart's. She has 4 seasons or a year to complete this task. What is really interesting about the anime is that a selfless task is assigned for a selfish gain. However, during the course of the show we see that Kobato starts to care lesser and lesser about the gain as her relationships with other characters develop. While this anime is extremely emotional, it is also equally comedic and adorable. Our protagonists companion, Loryogi San, a cute little tsundere stuffed doll provides for comedic relief while also communicating to the viewers indirectly Kobato's progress in a way that causes us to have concern for her as well. The male protagonist, Kiyokazu, on the other hand shows the contrast in personality to Kobato. Kobato is clumsy and cute while Kiyokazu is capable and cool. However, both of them are caring and demonstrate that it is not our attitude but our deeds that define whether we are good people or not. Kobato is a story about empathy and compassion. Each episode and each arc teaches us something as it moves us to tears. This anime is truly memorable and will always be a part of me.

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