Run with the wind

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Kaze wa furuiteru is a 2018 sports anime. Kaza wa furuiteru means, the wind is shivering. That is how Kakeru, a talented athelete who is currently a college student, feels when he runs. He feels something indescribable and wants to keep running.  A former runner, Haiji sees him running  one day and convinces him to live with him in the dorm Haiji lives in. This is where our story begins.

Kakeru moves into 'Chikuseiso', an all boys dorm. He is the 10th person to move in there. This is when Haiji drops the bomb that he wants all his dorm mates to train and aim for 'Hakone Ekiden'. This is the most prominent relay marathon for Universities in Japan. All of the dorm members except Haiji and Kakeru were not runners. It takes a while to convince everyone to even agree to this idea. The anime is about how each character is affected by running.

What I love about this anime is that in 23 episodes, they have made us love 10 characters, shown us their individual journeys and also truly inspired us. This anime is based on a novel, and it really shows. The characters are so nuanced and understandable and we really can relate to them and relate to some more than others, depending on who we are. I personally related to the 'Ouji' ie Akane Kashiwazaki. He was not athletic, far from it actually. He did not even have the right posture, but he worked hard and achieved his goals, slowly and steadily.

Run with the wind is an inspiring and heartwarming story about lots of things like friendship, determination, dreams and so on. This show is definitely worth watching as it will  move you and make you fall in love with the characters.

Contemplative Weeb ReviewsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora