The Boy and the Beast

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 Bakemono no ko is a 2015 anime movie. This movie is written and directed by none other than Mamoru Hosada, the man who gave us 'Wolf Children'.Because of this, I had high hopes for this movie and it did not disappoint!. Bakemono no ko is a beautiful movie with a beautiful relationship. It really moves you and makes you contemplate.

 This movie is about 2 worlds and 2 struggling people. A 9 year old boy,Ren who feels all alone in the world after his mother's death and a Bear, Kumatetsu who was an orphan and made himself strong. In the Beast Kingdom, there is a battle for accession between Kumatetsu and Iozen and so, Kumatetsu is asked to get a disciple.One thing leads to another and Ren becomes Kumatetsu's disciple. This is where the story begins.

We see Ren find himself and come into his being through the course of the movie.  He and Kumatetsu fight and have arguments but Ren slowly learns about Kumatetsu and empathizes with him and decides to learn from him. Ren learns through experience and obervation. He learns that there is not just one type of strength and he learns to fight the darkness within. This movie shows us that all of us have evil thoughts but that does not define us, our pain, anger and sufferings do not define us. It is our actions and decisions that make us who we are and so we must not hate ourselves or blame ourselves for the darkness within us. 

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