༒ Seventy-five ༒

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Today the families of the candidates would arrive in our castle and the atmosphere was tense, not even to mention the nerves my sister was trying to hide. Elliott and I had had a great talk and he seemed to open up more to Valentina.

It was good to see them together, talking on a normally volume instead of yelling. Even my father seemed surprised about that and I couldn't hide my grimace when I saw both of them smiling, glad that we could form a family after all.

The carriages would arrive in only a few minutes and we all stand in the main hall, excited about what was going to happen. Theodore couldn't hide his enthusiasm, neither could Cameron who had been talking on and on about his little sister.

'My parents are as artistic as I am', Theodore assures me when we look outside. I smile at him, glad to see him without fear in his eyes. I wish he could stay that way, but he also knew what was about to happen.

'They have arrived!' A guard yells when my father walks outside, followed by Valentina. I quickly take Elliott's arm and walk behind my sister. The candidates follow us immediately, waving enthusiastic at the carriages drawn by white horses. Everyone seemed excited except for Ezra who had been more serious than I had ever seen him.

Of course the camera had to film every detail of what was going on. Journalists were making notes in their journals when my father and Val walked down the stairs, preparing to greet our guests.

Out of the first carriage, a woman with the same curly hair as Theodore walked out, followed by a man with a tiny moustache. I immediately knew whose parents they were, Theodore's excitement wasn't needed.

Out of the second carriage, a man with a stool stepped out, needing help of the guards. He wasn't that old yet, still he seemed to have a hard time. He was followed by a woman with dark hair and as last a excited girl with straight, dark hair just above her shoulders, reminding me of Cameron. They all walked towards my father and Val, before walking towards their sons.

Finally, out of the last carriage, a woman with long blond hair and a rather critical look stepped out, not at all bothering to join the others. After all the greetings, the little girl runs towards Cameron, forgetting all her manners when she sees her big brother.

'Cameron!' She yells excited and almost jumps in his arms. How much I wanted that to be me.

'Audrey', he sighs deep, completely relieved when he holds his sister again. His parents join him quickly after having bowed for me and my brother. So do Theo's parents before giving their son a hug.

'Has he been acting properly, princess?' His father asks me curious, raising an eyebrow.

'Theodore is a true gentlemen', I assure him with a smile and get a smile in return. You could tell his parents were normal people who were enjoying their lives.

'And you princess Rosalia are so brave', Theo's mother sighs when she looks at me. I take her compliment without thinking when I see the blond woman stand next to my father. The atmosphere tense after all.

'Audrey you have to meet someone', I hear Cameron say before feeling an arm around my waist. I look up at him confused by this gesture and he releases me quickly. The little girl stands in front of me, her eyes widening in excitement when she bows clumsy.

'You must be Audrey', I say and gesture my hand at her. She shakes it willingly, only being able to nod. I had never been in a situation like this before.

'Audrey, greet your princess', her mother says in disbelief. I look up at her quickly, smiling at both his parents.

'No need for that Mrs Roman', I assure her. Both his parents smile at me for a moment, until my brother asks for me to join him again. I excuse myself and look at Cameron for one last time before I walk over to Elliott who stands more on the side.

'Listen', he whispers after looking over his shoulder for a moment. Both Ezra and the blond woman stand by our father now, clearly not being pleased at all.

'My sister got accused by your daughter. I don't even understand how you could let her nearby my Ezra after that incident', the woman hisses. I turn my head quickly, realising that everyone around us could hear this conversation.

'Rosalia didn't mean any harm, Mrs Carter', my father assures her.

'My sister sometimes believes she is in danger too quickly', Val adds. I look at Elliott, both of us walk in the opposite direction after hearing that.

'I may hope that this incident doesn't have an influence on the outcome of the Selection'. I hear Mrs Carter babble, making sure I had heard it. It seemed that everyone around us could hear her, the babbling stopped immediately and a journalist was writing as quick as he could. I release Elliott's arm and walk over to them in a proper way, trying to get control over my emotions. Ezra gives me a warning look when I approach them and I realise everyone is staring at us.

'Mrs Carter?' I ask and bow for her once she turns to face me.

'I made a mistake by accusing your sister. It was not my right and I sincerely apologize', I say soft. My father glares at me, proud this time. Even my sister could show a smile.

'I most certainly hope you realise that', the woman hisses before walking passed me. Ezra follows her unsure and we all walk inside. Me as last. They all seemed happy to be reunited again, except for Ezra who I had never seen this doubtable.

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