"Shut up, you little shit!" one of the guards barked as he finally snapped.

     The big guy walked over and grabbed Jerome by the shoulders, dragged him to the other side of the room, and slammed him up against the wall with force. The impact against the wall hurt a great deal, but Jerome only smiled back as he knew a nerve was hit with those comments. The other guard tried to break things up, but he wasn't strong enough as the bigger guard kept slamming Jerome's back into the wall.

     Three more men, who were obviously watching from the other room behind the mirror came running into the room and were able to when working together peel the big guard off Jerome. He hit the floor with an uncomfortable thud and wheezed a bit for a few seconds as they dragged the guard as he screamed obscenities at him and threatened to kick the crap out of him too. The other guard turned back and gave Jerome a mean look as he struggled to get back to his feed

     "Shut the hell up," the other guard told him, "I'll shoot you dead where you stand. Understood?"

     Jerome was still a little dazed, but nodded his acknowledgement. It was this point where Mr. Carlson opened the door and walked in.

     "Hey boss man," Jerome called out as he made a small waving motion that brought a little pain to his lower back.

     "I see you had a few words with the guards." Carlson said as he motioned for the other guard to resume his duties outside the room.

     "We were just talking politics," Jerome said, as he hobbled over and took a seat. His stay had been rather pleasant, but he kind of regretted provoking the guards like that as he winced a bit in pain. It was still totally worth it in his books. Chances are things were not going to get any better for him either. When Mr. Carlson returned to the seat he was sitting at not too long ago, Jerome could tell that he wasn't in a good mood to begin with. This gave the young man the impression that Edgar and Devon's crazy plan must have worked. The target and likely a few extras were caught and this is where the real fun was going to begin. Jerome used his time alone to come up with a plan to how he was going to work with his captors in the event the plan was a success. Chances are they were going to try to use him and Jessica as bargaining chips and the best way to avoid being worked over was to help Carlson get in touch with Edgar. The sooner those two started talking, the less likely they were going to question Jessica and himself over where he was. Jerome patiently waited for Carlson to ask the obvious first question.

     "Do you have any idea where I can find Edgar Willis?" Carlson said, pretty confirming what anyone knew was going to be the first question.

     "Fraid not," Jerome said, rather honestly, "The original plan was for Edgar and Devon to break ties at a certain location and then return back to me and Jessica at the location above the Thai restaurant. Now that our hideaway in the city is gone, I'm sure Edgar changed all his plans just in case either of us talked. That's way asking either of us is pointless. However, I would like to do what I can to help you get in contact with him."

     "Is that so?" Carlson said, surprised by this offer to help.

     "Absolutely." Jerome replied as he held out his hand, "Pass over my cell phone and I'll hook you two up. The sooner you two start talking, the sooner my ass gets negotiated outta here."

     "You are a bright one," Carlson said with a smile as he reached into his pocket and pulled out Jerome's cell phone. He tossed it over, "Make the call."

     "In a second." Jerome countered as he put the phone down on the table, "I have a few requests of my own before I help you out."

     "You're not really in much of a position to make demands." Carlson snapped back obviously a little impatient since he was so close to speaking with his true adversary. He paused for a moment, "Such as?"

     "How about a court martial for my mugger?" Jerome demanded with a hit of sarcasm.

     "He'd be in a cell right now if you hadn't provoked him." Carlson informed him, "But since you did, rather well I might add, he gets a slap on the wrist and nothing more. What else?"

     "Jessica and I haven't eaten a single thing since breakfast and we didn't have much before then either. In exchange for my co-operation, I wouldn't mind getting something to eat for both of us." he sat back and waited for Carlson's response.

     "That seems like a reasonable request." Carlson admitted, "Is there anything specific you'd like to eat tonight?"

     "We don't need anything special, just something to eat." Jerome answered, "As a matter of fact, I'll have what you're eating for supper tonight. I have a feeling you'll be working late anyway."

     Carlson grinned as the young man was indeed right, Carlson and his men would all be burning the midnight oil that night, "Alright, I agree to your terms. Now make the call."

     "I'm not done yet," Jerome knew he was pushing his luck, but this was the best chance he had to do so, "How am I supposed to know that Jessica got something to eat? The only way I would be able to confirm that is if we ate at the same time and in the same room."

     Carlson usually didn't like doing things like this, but chances are they were both going back to Edgar in exchange for his people, so this request was worth giving into so that he could open negotiations.

     "Alright," Carlson finally conceded, "Both Jessica and yourself can join me for dinner after I finish speaking with Mr. Willis."

     "Then we have a deal," Jerome said as he picked up the phone, "That works for me."

     Carlson and his men watched as Jerome dialed a number from memory and handed the phone over to his captor. Everyone in the room patiently waited as Carlson put the phone to his ear and waited someone on the other end to pick up.

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