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Remus and Peter sit in the bleachers of the quidditch pitch. Peter watching the field attentively and Remus reading Pride and Prejudice. On the ground of the field, there are plenty of Gryffindors warming themselves up or fixing up their brooms before the tryouts start. James and Sirius are doing sprints together on the ground. Lily and Severus walk into the bleachers and sit next to Remus and Peter.

(looking up from his book)
Hi, Lily.

Lily ignores him and stays silent.

Oh come on Lil, you're not gonna stay mad at me forever! We didn't even do anything that terrible, they laughed at us so we decided to soak them, that's all.

Fine, you're right.

Remus smiles.

A bit over-dramatic if I would say so myself.

Yes, I'll give you that.

Remus places his arm around Lily and she leans her head onto Remus' shoulder.

So why are you here, you come to make James all nervous?

No, but that is a plus. We came to watch Marlene, right Sev?


God, he's so moody today. While Slughorn had us making Shrinking solution, Sev over here wanted to try making undetectable poisons.

Why, the shrinking solution too easy?

Yes, actually.

He's quite the genius when it comes to that stuff, you know? Always trying to help me with my potions work. Slughorn probably wouldn't like me so much if Sev wasn't always whispering the correct answers if my ear,
(shoots Severus a look)
even when I don't want him to.

Severus rolls his eyes. Lily puts her arms around both Remus and Severus.

What's better than this. I get to watch my favorite sport with my two favorite boys.

Both Remus and Severus are rolling their eyes now. Out of nowhere, all the people leave the ground and brooms rush to the air.

Woo, yeah! Go James, Go Sirius!

Everyone in the bleachers starts clapping.

(from the ground)
Okay, like I said we are now going to scrimmage. Please stay to your assigned positions! Are you all ready up there?

The kids on their brooms in the air all yell back with "yes" and "yeah."

Alright then, let's play some quidditch!

THE CAPTAIN sets loose the balls, the quaffle, the bludgers, and the snitch, and then gets onto her broom and flies in the air. Marlene, as the Keeper, sits in front of one set of hoops, Sirius, as the Chaser, flies immediately towards the quaffle and grabs it, and James, as the Seeker, looks around for the Golden Snitch. Sirius weaves through a few people on brooms and passes the quaffle to another kid on his team before getting almost demolished by a bludger. He flies underneath the bludger and around the two beaters to the center, right in front of the hoops, where the teammate with the quaffle passes the ball to him. Sirius shoots the ball into a hoop and gets it in right as the other Keeper swoops in front. Everyone in the bleachers claps.

Woo, Sirius!

Sirius flies directly next to the bleachers and slows down as he passes Lily, Remus, Peter, and Severus. He winks. He then flies back into the thick of the scrimmage. The opposing chaser has the quaffle in their hand, they race straight towards the hoops Marlene is guarding. James flies slightly above the rest of the players but as soon as he sees this chaser approaching the hoops, he flies to the bludger and hits it with the back of his broom and towards the chaser. The chaser frantically throws the quaffle towards the hoops as the bludger stops right in front of them. Marlene easily catches the quaffle.

Yeah, James!

Marlene throws the quaffle back out to Sirius. As Sirius heads back towards the opposing Keeper, the golden snitch passes right in front of James and then in front of the other seeker. James and the other seeker immediately start following the snitch. They pass the bleachers.

Yeah, Potter, get the snitch!

James looks over to Lily and gives her an awkward smile, this slows him down.

(focusing James)
James, the snitch!

James snaps out of his short heart attack over Lily and speeds back up until he is side by side with the other seeker.

C'mon James, you got it!

James and the other seeker are head to head with each other. They keep bumping into each other, trying to push the other as far away from the snitch as possible. The opposing seeker goes in for another bash into James, but right as he does, James dives underneath them and comes up on the other side. The other seeker has thrown himself off course and very far away from the snitch. James goes in one last time with a burst of speed from his broom and one hand reached out to grab the snitch. He catches it and swoops back into the thick of the scrimmage, holding the snitch in his hand high in the air. Everyone on his team and in the bleachers claps and woos. Sirius flies over to him and gives James a high-five.

Well, Potter's team wins the scrimmage. We'll take a five minute break and then run some drills.

All those on brooms fly to the ground and grab some waters. Peter is still clapping.

Yeah James and Sirius! Good job! WOO!

Peter, you can stop clapping, they're on break.

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