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It is halfway through charms class. James, Sirius, and Peter are all staring off into the distance as PROFESSOR FLITWICK teaches. Remus is listening attentively, Sirius is poking James with his wand, and Peter is searching his pockets for food. About half of the students in the class are wearing Ravenclaw robes, and the others are wearing Gryffindor robes.

    Ok, continuing our review, we will now spend a little bit of time practicing the levitation charm. Remember it is a swish and flick motion with the incantation "wingardium leviosa." If you can, try to complete this spell without saying the incantation.

The students of the class start waving their wands and saying "Wingardium Leviosa." Almost every kid makes the feather in front of them fly on the first try.

Wingardium leviosa!

The feather floats. Remus waves his wand again and the feather drops in front of him.

Moony, you should try it without the incantation, you're real good at charms.

God, Peter, I'll try.

Remus aggressively swishes and flicks his wand at the feather, it only levitates a slight bit off the table before falling completely.

Oh, Moony. Moony, Moony, Moony.

What, you think you can do better?

Actually, yes I do, watch the master.

Sirius casually swishes and flicks his wand at the feather. The feather rises and moves as Sirius waves his wand around. He then waves his wand and the feather gracefully falls to its place right in front of Remus. James, Remus, and Peter all stare with their jaws dropped open.

Outstanding job Mr. Black, ten points to Gryffindor!

Merlin, when did you get so good at charms?

I've always been good Remmy, you've just been too self-involved to notice.

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