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James, Remus, Peter and Sirius, the Marauders, are sprinting in a line down the hallway, towards a door labeled "Transfiguration". Peter is slightly farther behind the others, and clearly out of breath. Remus is frantically attempting to tie his tie as he runs. Sirius is trying to fix his hair. Peter is muttering something about missing breakfast, and James is muttering something about missing LILY. Finally, the foursome gets to the Transfiguration classroom and bursts through the door to a quiet class and a teaching MCGONAGALL. They all stop dead in their tracks and stare out at students who are staring back. Day Tripper finally stops playing.

I assume the four of you slept well last night.

I definitely did. Kind of a bummer we missed breakfast though.

James elbows Peter, hinting for him to shut up.

At least you made it to our class, it would be wonderful if you could now be quiet and sit down. I trust you all can find your seats. Twenty points from Gryffindor.

The Marauders shamefully walk towards their seats. Sirius and James walk to one desk for two and Peter and Remus to another. As they walk, two Ravenclaws, MAXWELL VANE, and MICHEAL MANSHAW, snicker and laugh. Sirius shoots them a look and they immediately stop. Sirius and James take their seats at the table next to Lily and MARLENE. Lily shoots James a look as if to say "Incompetent git."

Where was I? This year in transfiguration, we will focus on working with animals: object to animal, animal to object, and wizard to animal.

The class takes gasps and the students' eyes open wide, especially the Marauders.

Yes, this year we will be covering the introduction to animagi wizards, one of the hardest transfiguration techniques to perfect. A lecture will be held on this topic on the sixth of October and will include a live demonstration. Every third year is required to come to this lecture. I will give you all more details as the date gets closer. Now that our basics of this year's curriculum have been covered, open your textbooks to page twenty-four. Today we will start the lesson on object to animal transfiguration.

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