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REMUS, JAMES, SIRIUS, and PETER are all peacefully sleeping in their beds. They are all still in the same exact positions that they fell asleep in the night before. Peter is snoring. Remus slowly opens his eyes and starts to sit up. He stretches a bit and casually checks an old ratty watch that he put out on his nightstand. As soon as he looks at the small clock, his eyes open wide and no longer look groggy. He bolts up from his bed. Day Tripper begins to play.

Bloody hell! Wake up 'ya gits, we'll be late for Transfiguration.

Remus doesn't wait for a response, and he begins to throw his robes on top of his pajamas. James sits up quickly at the mention of transfiguration, rushing to also put his robes on top of his pajamas. Sirius and Peter are still sleeping, and Remus throws a pair of socks at Sirius' face to wake him up while James shakes Peter awake, throwing his tie around his neck.

(confused; tired)
What the- are these your socks, Moony?

Peter, wake up, we're late!

Sirius and Peter both slowly sit up, but quickly start to get ready at the sight of Remus and James rushing.

McGonagall is gonna be so mad, late for the first day two years in a row now.

(frantically running his hands all over his nightstand)
Merlin, I can't see a thing. Where are the bloody specs?

(picking the glasses up off the floor and handing them to James)
Dropped 'em.

(shoving them onto his face)
Thanks mate.

The boys are now rushing to grab their books and supplies. Finally they all get their things together and start running out the door.

(last to run out the door)
Are we gonna make it to breakfast?

Imperius! The Marauders Episode 0102Where stories live. Discover now