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Harry doesn't clamber into bed with his boyfriend. His pregnant boyfriend. Jesus. Fuck. His pregnant boyfriend, Louis. And he feels somewhat guilty for this; it's as if he's abandoning Louis.

It's late. So late, already heading towards the next day. But Harry just sits there, motionless, lost in thought.

Instead, the green eyed man finds himself sitting out on the porch, cigarette in hand, taking drag after drag until he's smoked at least three. Its more Louis' thing to stress smoke. But that doesn't make it any less weird for Harry to be out on their porch as the hours pass by and 2am slowly nears 6am. He's been sat for hours with his thoughts. Just him and his thoughts. 

He had to be strong for Louis, because if Harry's as terrified as he feels right now; then he can't imagine Louis is doing much better. He had to be the same kind of strong that Louis had been for him throughout the band. An anchor for each other. Through thick and thin. And that's why he finds himself feeling long guilty for not climbing into bed to hold Louis close so they could be terrified together.

Instead it's almost like he ran from it.

He'd given it some thought, a lot of thought, actually. Harry's decided that maybe this won't be so bad. He'd always wanted a big family. Louis' got a huge family. Gamma and Harry were often lonely as kids.

Harry loves Alec. Loves him so dearly. Alec, whom is sleeping soundly upstairs in the room across from he and Louis' room. Alec, his five month old son that could become a big brother after he's barely turned one. They'd be seventeen months apart. Irish twins, as Niall would title it.

The infant is currently sleeping peacefully upstairs, completely unaware and oblivious to the issue arising for his parents.

He'd never thought of having more kids with Louis, it simply never crossed his mind. But seeing Louis so unlike himself as he brought Alec into the world had almost frightened Harry a bit. He can't imagine Louis doing it again so soon.

Louis had also struggled quite a lot with the loss of his identity. He'd struggled with the fact that he was going to forever be known as the member of One Direction who got pregnant. Was Louis really going to let whatever clump of himself he'd managed to get back slip away so suddenly?

It's now half six in the morning and Harry's spent the entire night on the porch, having smoked the entire packet.

The porch door opens quietly and Louis appears with one of Harry's larger hoodies swallowing him over his pyjamas.


"I-I thought you left," Louis hisses shakily. Harry can see he's been crying, tear tracks are lacing his face and he looks like he hasn't gotten much sleep either. Harry wonders how long Louis slumbered for since he left him sound asleep.

Harry sighs, beckoning for Louis to take a seat on the other deck chair. "Cmere to me, boo," He says softly. "Just cmere,"

Louis silently takes a seat beside Harry, hugging his knees. "I thought you left me," He repeats quietly.

"I wouldn't leave you, Lou,"

"You didn't come to bed," Louis states. "I woke up alone,"

"I'm sorry, love. I just needed some time, you did too. It was better if we were alone," Harry says calmly.

"You smoked my entire pack," Louis grumbles.

"I know,"

"S'not like you, is it?"

Harry nods.

They fall into a heavy silence. Until Louis speaks. "I've been doing some thinking," He starts, swallowing thickly. He stares out into the garden, staring down at the fence at the bottom of the garden.

Harry glances at him. "Yeah?" He beckons for Louis to continue.

"Well what if-" Louis cuts himself off. "What if I wanted them?" He immediately clenches his eyes shut for fear of Harry's reaction.

"You want to keep them?" Harry sounds surprised.

Louis nods quickly, fresh tears rolling down his face, he's never been emotional but he just can't keep them in. "I-I think that I very much d-do," He whispers hoarsely as he foolishly let's a hand slip down to his covered abdomen.

Harry is quiet for a moment. "I didn't wanna say it in case you didn't, but I want to keep them too," Harry whispers.

Louis' eyes snap open. "Y-you do?"

"Course I do, I've wanted a family with you for years, Alec was just the beginning for me" Harry reaches across to wipe Louis' eyes. "Course I want them," He repeats, much softer this time.

Harry places a hand over Louis' on his stomach. "I know we didn't talk about more kids, I know its soon, but its not like we're strangers walking out of a one night stand. I trust you and I trust that we can do this, Louis. Well have each other to lean on,"

Louis looks at Harry through glassy saphhire eyes. "B-but they'll be so close in age to Alec," He states wobbly. Harry nods.

"Easier to play with one another," He says with a soft smile, hoping his reply will give Louis some kind of hope. "We've got this," He gently strokes Louis' knuckles.

Louis frowns wearily. "Everyone's gonna think I'm a slut, some sex obsessed idiot who forgets the condom every fucking time" He mumbles.

Harry shakes his head as Louis speaks again. "It was everywhere when I was pregnant with Alec. It's like people expect it from me," He says in a hushed voice. "I don't know if I can have another unplanned pregnancy not even a year after our son was born," Louis ponders. "Simon will love this. They'll make it out that I'm just some whore that's gonna drag you down with me," He grits his teeth.

Harry sighs. "It isn't anybody else's business, sweetheart. You're not a slut. End of. And if any papers or headlines come out calling you anything of the sort, we'll just continue to be sickeningly in love. We both made this little one, I'll be the slut here" Harry says, cracking a small smile. "And fuck Simon, Modest! too. We don't need them,"

Louis just sighs, a heavy sigh. His eyes dart across the porch, taking in every detail of it.

"Besides, Lou, you can't be that far along, so for now it'll just be between you, me and this little bug," Harry rubs a reassuring circle against Louis' clothed lower abdomen. Louis smiles softly at this. "We've got this, I know we have,"

"Bug," He repeats in a gentle tone. "Bug," He hums. "I like that," He kisses the bridge of his boyfriends nose.

Harry nods. "I like it too," He says. "It's just gonna be news between us so we can adjust before letting anybody else know," He says softly.

Louis nods slowly."Seventeen months apart, huh?" Louis says quietly.

"Seventeen months apart," Harry repeats. "Now c'mon and get in the shower with me, Tommo, I'll condition your hair," It isn't often Harry uses Louis' more universally used nickname, but when he does; it melts Louis' heart

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