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Harry woke up with the rich fragrance of French vanilla filling his nostails. He soon realized this was due to he and Louis' positions in Harry's bed. Louis' head was tucked away neatly under Harry's chin, resulting in his hair and its intoxicatingly sweet vanilla smell reaching Harry's nose. Harry inhales deeply, taking in the aroma, cherishing it. It wasn't even just Louis' shampoo that made the smell, of course it contributed to it, but Louis had always had such a sweet scent about him.

French Vanilla and nicotine. He smelt just like French vanilla and nicotine. And Harry was drunk on that scent.

Harry silently takes Louis in. Gently, Harry lolls Louis' head to rest on his shoulder, rather than against his neck. Louis looked peaceful as he slept. He looked angelic and innocent and Harry couldn't really believe that this was the man he'd gotten pregnant; this celestial appearing dainty man in his arms.

Pregnancy had been good to Louis appearance wise. He looked good. He'd always been petite and thin and if Harry was being honest, he liked the little bit of weight to Louis. He liked to see Louis rounding out slightly, no longer twinkish and thin. Pregnancy had made everything about Louis so much more heavenly to Harry than all his features had been before; he didn't think it was possibly but somehow it was.

Harry analyses Louis' face. His long, dark eyelashes sitting against his tanned skin, his razor sharp cheekbones hadn't changed during his pregnancy, they'd remained as prominent as ever. Louis looked good. He looked so good.

Harry pondered back to the night before, how Louis had been so quick to gain embarrassment over his panic that Harry no longer found him attractive. Louis was so very gorgeous in Harry's eyes. He always had been. Nothing would ever change the way Harry saw Louis.

Harry carefully slips out of the bed, softly rearranging Louis to detangle himself from the smaller man. Harry quietly opens the bedroom door, closing it behind him. He makes his way down the stairs where he can hear his mum and sister chatting. He enters the kitchen to see Anne flipping pancakes and Gemma sipping a mug of tea.

"Good morning sleepyhead, where's Louis and my neice or nephew?" Gemma greets him teasingly.

"He's still asleep. Actually, you jinxed us," Harry says fondly.

"Oh yeah? How so?"

"Mmh, the baby kicked for the first time last night," Harry beams, pouring himself a mug of tea.

"Oh, Harry! That's wonderful," Anne practically melts. "I'm so chuffed for you two. I always say it, but when people are meant to be, no matter how long apart they may spend, they'll always find their way back to one another,"

Harry groans. "Mum its not like that-"

"Nonsense, you love him Harry, I can see it in your eyes when you look at him. There's a reason you never got over him these last few years," Anne scoffs. She knows her son. "I just want you to be brave enough to to again, for you both to not be so scared of repeating your history,"

Gemma chuckles. "I'll drink to that one, you tried so hard to forget him by jumping into relationship after relationship," She muses. "You've got such a soft spot for him, H,"

"Can you blame him? Louis is lovely, you two have always made such a beautiful couple," Anne says.

"Well we all know how ugly that became real quickly," Harry says dryly.

"Just dont be so afraid, honey. You and Louis can figure it out, I know you guys can." Anne shakes her head. "And what are you planning on doing when you've got a newborn? Are you and Louis just gonna live separately, what is it gonna be? You have the little one on weekends?"

YOU AND ME  ⇒ larryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن