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Strolling down the busy streets of London with Alec in his pram, a decaf mocha in his hand and not only an oversized jumper, but a jean jacket too, to attempt to cover up his bump; Louis put his little revelation from a few nights before into plan. Because he loved Harry too much not to 'compromise'.

Walking into the animal littered rescue centre, Louis gazes down at his son, whom had started to twist his little nose with the smell of new animals. He'd only ever been introduced to Harry's mum's cat and Clifford; Clifford whom still resided with Mark as Louis had yet to reclaim him. He'd been far too busy in recent months to be able to give poor Cliff the love and attention he usually could.

"S'alright, Allie, its just cats and dogs and stuff," Louis reassures the ten month old.

Ten months that could very quickly turn into twelve months really fast.

"Hi! Can I help you, Mr Tomlinson?" A grinning young man at the front desk appears in a logoed green T-shirt. If the teen is star struck, he hides it well.

Louis smiles at him. "Hi, I'm looking for some sort of cat I could potentially rehome?" He says this with such a fond tone because he's getting Harry a cat. A fucking cat. Because he fucking loves him. With this cat will come so much more that Louis' positive will bring his Haz to tears.

The man nods. "Of course, I'll show you to the kennels out back, we've got a lot of strays that've been dropped here at the shelter and then theres some from abuse cases, here, take your pick," He speaks animatedly as he leads Louis, stroller too, to another room that is filled with meowing cats.

A small grin appears on Louis' face as he is greeted by about a dozen cats. The man begins to take him through each cat.

"This is Pansy, she's not very good with children as she's quite touch and go sometimes, she can be a bit cold. As you've got your little guy here, I'm not sure if she'd be a match for you, she's very strange around kids,"

Louis nods. As pretty as Pansy is with her tabby coat and bright blue eyes, she and Alec would most likely not befriend one another. Louis gives her a small stroke through the bars of her rather roomy kennel.

"Sorry, Pansy, ya just aren't for us, girl," Louis sighs sweetly.

Louis is taken to a ginger cat by the name of Cyndy whom is supposedly quite fond of wandering and leaving home at Amy given moment which Louis just knows will break Harry's heart if the cat suddenly disappears. Next, he's shown a grey cat named Plum who's got the most extraordinary personality Louis' ever see with her immediate affection towards Louis' touch. She oddly reminds him of Niall and he makes a mental note to recommend Niall to imvest in some feline company.

Louis also meets kittens Dot and Dolph who'd been found outside a shopping center, June who'd been rescued from an abusive home, Milo a recuse tomcat and Twi, a cancer riddled Siamese cat.

"Earl here is quite antisocial and tends to take awhile to warm up to people," The man explains, showing Louis to a broad stark white cat with greying fur and a set of large, wispy whiskers. "He's only been here a few weeks and hasn't really eaten much. Boss thinks he's got a bit of separation depression since his owner died. He's quite old and really we're just looking for a place for him to spend his remaining days," Louis learns that Earl is quite old.

Louis finds it hard to concentrate on poor Earl as another cage begins to rattle and stir his attention.

"Hey, hey, Percy! Stop that!" The man calls. He shakes his head, signing. "M'sorry, Percy's quite a strong personality. He's been here for months, maybe eight or nine months?" The frowning man takes Louis towards a strikingly charcoal cat with two bottle green eyes staring out of the cage.

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