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Louis huffes uncomfortably as Olive proded gently at his rounded out belly at twenty two weeks.

Olive glances at him. "Does that hurt?" She asks.

"A little," Louis says shyly. Harry strokes Louis' knuckles softly.

"Baby's not in that great of a position to see them right now, hence all the poking around I'm doing," Olive explains. Louis knows; he can feel the baby rolling around slightly as Olive attenpts to rotate them. The boys nod. A few moments go by and eventually Olive grins in triumph. "Here we go, boys," She smiles.

"Baby's looking really good, only three more months to go," She reminds them. "Do you guys wanna know the gender?" Olive asks.

Louis looks up to Harry, who's sitting on one of the hotel's longue chairs. "What'd you think, Harold?" He questions.

"Whatever you want, Lou," Harry smiles, brusing a loose piece of Louis' fringe out of the shorter man's eyes.

Louis hums. "I suppose it'd be nice to know, wouldn't it?"

"To be honest I was hoping you'd say that, I don't think I could go with being surprised," Harry admits. Louis grins at him, eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Would you mind writing it down, Olive? That way we can I dunno do something special to find out I guess," Louis requests.

"Course I cab, anything for my favorite patient," Olive chuckles. Grabbing a scrap of paper and a ball point pen from her bag nearby, Olive hastily scribbles down the gender. She folds the paper meticulously.

Handing the paper to Harry, she winks. "Good luck you guys, I'll see you soon," Olive says, packing up her stuff. "Everything's looking so well, Louis, well done, your health is really good," She brushes a lock of hair behind her ear.

Louis smiles proudly. "Thanks," He says. "Harry's been keeping that in check," He laughs as he fondly thinks back to the amount of sugar free food Harry's been giving him as of late.

"You've got two more months until you're taking a rest from touring, right?" Olive asks. Both boys nods.

"Yup," Louis replies.

"Great, just try not to wear yourself out; try take a rest on stage," Louis nods in reply, its not unlike Louis to sit down on the stage regardless of pregnancy or not.

Eventually Olive departs, leaving them with the sealed envelope.

"Wow," Harry whistles lowly. "Our baby's gender is in there," He says.

Louis hums. "Yeah, we're literally one paper tear away from knowing if bubba's a girl or a boy,"

The other three boys burst into the room. "Hey, how'd your checkup go?" Zayn asks, taking a seat in the windowsill.

"Great," Louis beams, showing him the newly printed ultrasound.

"Jesus, bub's gettin' huge," Niall comments, plopping himself down on one of the hotel beds. "Honestly, Tommo, how's your tidy little body doing that?"

Louis shrugs. "Not tidy no more, that's how," He chuckles.

"We've got the gender in here," Harry gently flaps the envelope to illustrate its important.

Liam grins slightly. "Well, you gonna open it or?" He questions.

Harry shakes his head, taking a seat on the bed opposite Niall. "We're gonna do something nice, I think." He looks up to Louis. "Which means it remains closed until we can figure out what something nice is," He mumbles.

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