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Waking up in a bundle of blankets and a pair of strong, almost familiar arms, Louis Tomlinson blinks; taking in his surroundings. He raises his head from the soft pillow, glancing around the room; brows furrowed. A groan from beside him startles him. 

“L-Louis?” A shocked voice whispers. Louis turns on his side, the pair of strong arms letting him go. 

“Harry? What the fuck?!” Louis hisses. “W-what the hell are you doing here? Did we?” His eyes are wide.

“Have sex? Yeah, Louis, we did have sex. This is my hotel room, what do you mean what the hell am I doing here?” Harry snaps back. 

“Harry, what the fuck!” Louis exclaims, pushing himself out of the huge, plush hotel bed. “We can’t do this again, we’ve already tried to make this shit work and it never fucking has,” Louis rants as he picks up his discarded clothes that are scattered all around Harry’s room.

The boys had begun their reunion tour a week prior. But things were different now. There were no more Zayn and Louis pranks on the other boys, no more impersonations of Niall"s accent, and certainly no more Louis and Harry acting all lovey dovey back stage before a show. Things had changed and they were not unchanging. 

They no longer slept on their tour bus. Instead opting for fancy hotel rooms, fancy lonely hotel rooms. Liam and Niall, however, shared a hotel room. Zayn, Harry and Louis did not. The main reason being that Niall and Liam were the only boys trusted to be alone with one another without causing a screaming match. 

Bonds had been broken. Zayn and Louis hadn’t so much as spoken more than three words to one another since the beginning of this tour. The other three boys and Zayn were not as tense as may have been expected; but Louis and Zayn’s Twitter argument had severed ties between them a long time ago. Harry and Louis were awkward and tense with each other. 

Along with the bands break, Louis and Harry both saw it in their best interest to take a break from each other. Things were getting brutal. Arguments and then sex, small disagreements and then sex, sex, sex, sex, nothing more. They no longer had late night talks, only late night sex. They didn’t touch the way they used to, just rough, unforgivably unloving sex. 

The couple had had a short break during November 2014, resulting in Louis shamelessly flirting up a storm with an Australian interviewer. Harry, always the jealous type, ended up grabbing Louis that very night, wrapping them up in steamy sex while whispering to Louis how he was Harry’s and only Harry’s. Louis was all too smug at the reaction his flirtatious behavior had caused. They had gotten back together that night. 

They didn’t talk like they used to. They didn’t communicate or tell each other how much they loved one another. They yelled at each other, they exploded instead of talking things out. It had become exhausting. So they called for a break. Harry had reached out when Louis lost both his beloved mother and his angelic younger sister. That was the last time they’d talked. It was sincere and small talk. Of course, the band survived the break; their relationship, however, did not. 

But yet, Louis found himself back in Harry’s bed. They couldn’t keep away from one another. Sex, sex, sex. 

“I know Louis, we aren’t ever going to work,” Harry speaks, bringing Louis out of his thoughts. “I don’t know how this happened, maybe nerves? The tension? Those tequila shots that Niall dared everybody to do last night?” Harry shrugged with a small chuckle. “This isn’t good for us, I want better than this, y'know, can’t keep reading the same fuckin’ book and expect a better ending," 

His words sting but Louis tries not to let Harry see that. Instead he stroops, because that’s so much better. "If you want better than this then why did you have sex with me, Harry?” Louis spits. “If I’m so fucking below you, why-”

“That isn’t what I meant," 

"Well its what you said,”

“This has been a mistake, Louis, a huge one, I just want the old us back, the us before things got complicated, before we ever fucking kissed that first time,” The words are out of his mouth before Harry can think. 

Louis pulls his shirt over his head as he laughs bitterly. “Youve really got a way with words,” He mumbles. Harry goes to speak but Louis doesnt give him the chance. “Fuck you, Harry Styles,” He chokes out before he leaves. 

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