It's one of those 'who-are-you?' stares that babies do when they're adjusting and warming up to you.

"It's uncle Z, baby boy, show uncle Z your new teeth," Harry smiles.

"Hiya, Alec. It's me, uncle Zayn. Haven't seen you in awhile, s'probably why you're lookn' at me all funny, huh?" He turns to Harry. "Hey, how many teeth has he got now?" Zayn muses.

"About two, maybe one and a half, we don't know yet,"

Zayn nods. "He's gettin' so big, really the spit of Louis," He says.

Harry nods. "Course he is," He beams. "Look at those gorgeous eyes, yeah, you're gonna be a stunner just like your mumma, aren't you, Allie?"

Zayn watches as Harry interacts with his gurgling son, who's making grabby hands for Harry's curls. He's happy for his two friends.

When Harry got home at almost 5, Louis is quiet. Too quiet, uncharacteristicly quiet, very un-Louis-ly quiet. He was huddled up on the sofa, water bottle in hand, mismatched fuzzy socks on his tiny feet with a blanket covering him as some prison show plays on the television.

He's been quiet ever since. It's now 9pm, almost 10.

Harry glances at his boyfriend, who's sitting at the table, flicking through his phone, Alec in his lap, while Harry makes pasta for their dinner.


"Mmh, Haz?"

"What's bugging you?"

"Bugging me? Nothing, why?" Louis questions. They make eye contact and Harry wishes they hadn't because now it's a lot more tense than the silence that as previously present.

Harry shrugs. "Alright then," He says, shoveling pasta into two big bowls. Almost passively, he sets the bowl in front of a somewhat sulky Louis.

Louis takes small forkfuls of pasta. They eat in silence.

At around half ten, Alec is set down for the night. Louis had put him to bed, Harry opting to stay in the living room. Louis was being hostile, whether he was doing it consciously or not; Harry couldn't tell.

Louis enters the room, he sits next to Harry. Harry hesitantly pulls him close, the smaller man now cuddled in his lap. He softly kisses Louis' temple but the other man doesn't so much as flinch or even react to the touch.

Harry sighs. "Alright, what's going on here? Why are you mad?"

"M'not mad," Louis stammers, blue meeting green in a defensive haze.

"Then what's going on with you? Where'd this attitude come from? You've barely spoken to me all evening, we ate in silence and now you're not even going to let me hold you? What's it all about, Louis?"

Louis sighs, clenching his eyes shut. "Look, I-I don't know how to say this," He starts.


"It's not bad, but it's bad,"

Harry hesitates. "Y-you're breaking up with me?" He asks.

Louis shakes his head quickly. "N-no, God no." He declares, promising. "I don't know how to say this,"

"Louis, whatever it is-"

"Haz, I think m'pregnant," Louis spits out.


Louis doesn't answer. He feels it doesn't need explaining right now. "I bought a test, m'gonna go upstairs now and take it, okay?" He says slowly, raising out of Harry's lap.

YOU AND ME  ⇒ larryWhere stories live. Discover now