7. Unsettling Feeling

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Maya's POV

"Maya, wake up."

Sarah's voice ringed in my ear again, piercing me awake.

"Huh?" I managed to somberly open up my right eye while staying in the same position, carefully releasing the grip in my right hand of the fabric I was holding onto.

"Get your ass off there now." I squinted at Sarah's mouth as she widely pronounced each word without much of audio.

"You want me to get my ass off here? Why?" I asked her, confused about why she is being so cold on her feet instructing me so discreetly.

I notice Sarah pointing towards me with her eyes bulged twice the size in horror. Raising my brows in confusion, I used my index finger to rub my sleepy eyes, hoping they would open up.

Holy shit.

I gasped and closed my mouth before I looked back at Sarah in horror.

"You're so dead now." Sarah tried to hide her giggle as I gripped both my fits tightly, eyes shut close, cringing in horror.

I did not just sleep on V the whole night but I was also cuddling him so much that my drools were all over his chest, making a significantly large patch of a map combining China and US.


That bitch, she did not just yell for V to awake. I jolted on my seat, stood right up and glared a death threat to Sarah before adjusting my hair and dress into place. This better not be awkward.

"Hello? V? Wakey wakey." Sarah walked closer and nudged the sleeping boy awake.

V was sleeping like a baby with his right arm beside him which I have cushioned and left arm swinging lowly on his left thigh. He looked so relaxed in an uncomfortable position.


"Ding. It's Sarah."

Slowly and reluctantly V opened up his eyes, scrunching his face muscle which was already perfect in every way while he stretches his arms above his head and let out a cute yawn. I couldn't help it but smile adoringly at his adorable bed head.

"Morning Sarah, hey Maya." He greeted Sarah first and then slowly turned his attention to me.

"Morning V." I replied lowly.

"Mhm, so wanna tell me how you ended up cuddling with Maya at our home after a party and decided to get caught by me?" Sarah sat down in the bean bag and wiggled her brows.

At this point, V was fully awake as he sat at the edge of the couch, shaking his hair in place, elbows rested on both his knees, showing off his veiny arms. A smirk hugging his lips.

"Geez Sarah, we just bumped into each other when I got home last night and had a long chat. Must have slept off midway coz I was super exhausted."

I explained, hopefully, Sarah won't take this any further.

"Yea, whatever. I need to catch some sleep as well, the party was wild." said Sarah.

"Really? Oh man, I am gonna kill Peter if he made me clean the house again." V said running his fingers through his hair.

Each and every action he made, it makes my heart race and all I want to do is stare at him all day.

"Chill V, I think Peter made some of the junior basketball dudes to help him with the cleaning. You're safe." Sarah chuckled.

I stood there dumfounded coz for one, I don't know who Peter is and I can't seem to be involved in their conversation. Sarah seems to be closer to V than I thought she might be.

"Guys, I will just excuse myself. I need a shower." Not wanting to stand there like a statue, I decided to politely excuse myself to my room.

Just before I close the door to my room, an abrupt stop made me took a step back.

"Hey Maya, can I have a word?"

I properly stood aside and allowed V to walk into my room. It felt strange to allow him walking into my room, into my personal space. "Come in."

V rubbed the back of his neck fiddly as he took a few heavy steps into my room, stood beside my bed and vanity, unsure where to head next.

"You can have a seat if you want to." I pointed at my tiny vanity chair.

"No thanks. I just need a quick minute."

I nodded. Why is this turning very embarrassing and awkward after our last night's fun conversation in getting to know each other?

"So? What you wanna tell me?"

"Um, I...well sorry that I didn't manage to leave last night. You must have felt bad for Sarah to find me sleeping in with you."

I crossed my arms, not coz I was angry or taken back, but I was somewhat convinced that if I crossed my arms covering my chest then he won't be able to notice my breathing becoming irregular with my chest rising faster than it should with each breath I inhale and exhale.

"That's fine V, Sarah is a playful person. I'm sure you know about that."

"Still, I felt like it wasn't ok to...you know just crash without asking for permission."

"It's alright, I'm pretty sure I dozed off before you and you had no way to escape from me." I laughed unconsciously thinking about how I would have slept off while talking, typical me.

"You did but I didn't wanna wake you coz you looked very tired."

I stare into his hazel orbs, the one that got me drunk from the first time I came across them. V was standing so close to me, suddenly, making me aware of our close proximity which he closed while talking.

Standing at the height of 5'5, my eyes are at a comfortable height of his pink luscious lips. I gulped, trying to look anywhere but at his handsome face.



My name rolled out of his mouth like a soft musical, tugging my heart in an unknown direction.

"Thanks for the night, I enjoyed spending the time talking with you."

V moved closer and planted a very soft kiss on my forehead. I froze in my place, not sure what happened but as soon as I felt his warmth moving away, I turned to see him standing by the door.

Small smirk hanging on the corner of his lips as he was ready to head out.

"Thanks for keeping my hydrangeas alive too. Bye Maya." he winked, he freaking winked at me before shutting the door on his way out.

Oh my God, just what the hell is this boy doing to my poor heart?

"Bye V!"

I heard Sarah's voice echoed from the living room, door closed shut, probably indicating V's exit from our house. I stood a while more in silent, overheard Sarah running her bath in her room.

I left out a huge sigh, quietly got my shower done and ran out of the apartment to the campus library while Sarah enjoyed her long bath, avoiding any possible confrontation by her.

Do you think V and Maya are moving too fast?

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