"Are you saying that I can't make someone fall in love with me?"

The man raised an eyebrow with a smirk, "I didn't say anything. But can you?"

"Of course, I can. I don't know about you, Ji."

"I'm quite offended."

Chan laughed, "I'm kidding. I'm sure you can make anyone fall for you. You're that charming."

Jiro tilted his head to the side, "You think I'm charming?" he asked in a teasing tone.

The boy widened his eyes, "W-Well...For me, you are--because I'm your best friend. Also, remember Twenty became Jeffrey's boyfriend? That's because of me. Maybe! Just maybe, I can also bring love to your life."

"You think I can get a yes from Yanna?"

"Yeah," Chan answered with confidence.

"You sure you're going to help me? I don't want to disturb you or something," Jiro said.

"Oh, come on. What are best friends for?"

"Yeah, what are best friends for. That's some good bullshit, Chan. I can't believe you're literally giving Jiro away."

Chan sighed, "What can I do? I just can't tell him that I have feelings for him...That's messed up, Jeff."

Jeffrey, a third year college student, groaned, "Look, I'm not really mad at Jiro liking my sister. Twenty's two years younger than me so it's nothing different if you ask me. But what you're telling me is shit, Chan. Some bad shit."

"Stop rubbing it against my face," Chan fake cried it out, "I know I'm dumb. But you know how Jiro deals with secret admirers. Also, our friendship is on the line. I can't lose that."

Jeffrey sighed heavily while they walk down the hallway. Chan wanted a talk so they met. They're actually hiding from Jiro because for some reason, the man gets annoyed when the boy talks to someone else instead of him. Jiro gets jealous easily, just like his father, uncle Jisung.

"You know what I think, Jiro likes you too."

"Now, you're just being delusional, Jeff."

The man chuckled, "Come on, look at it. Jiro gets jealous about you talking to me, he even gets upset and worried if you're nowhere to be found. Also, he lets you to be clingy and no one else. Don't the dots just connect?"

"Jeff, he already told me that he likes Yanna. Not me," Chan uttered, "O-Of course he'll feel those. I'm his best friend."

"Chan, stop with the best friends thingy. It's making my head ache. You two are hopeless."

"But you still have to let Jiro get closer to Yanna," the boy uttered. He didn't want to talk about his feelings and Jiro anymore. Jeffrey will just push him into the idea then he'll end up hoping for nothing. Good thing for Jeffrey, he finally got Twenty because of him.

Hopefully, Chan would be able to feel to how it is to be loved.

"Like I said, I don't care but I'll still be the big brother. But don't work yourself out too much, okay?"

Chan nodded, "Yeah. Thanks, Jeffrey."

Then from afar, Jeffrey already has the urge to ran towards his boyfriend, Twenty who was at his locker. Chan saw it and showed a small smile.

"Go before Jiro kicks your ass. See you around, Jeff," the boy uttered.

Jeffrey nodded and ruffled Chan's head, "I'll see you around, Channie. Text me about it!"

Chan nodded and watched Jeffrey running towards his boyfriend. The man surprised the boy and received a peck on the lips. He blushed and slapped himself when his mind suddenly imagined him and Jiro like that. As much as he wanted to, he just can't right now.

"Chan,get a grip."

Friendly Kiss-CHANRO (from chogiverse)Where stories live. Discover now