The Weekend (Part I)

Start from the beginning

"Ok I have a few people that can help with these serial numbers. I'll see you Monday Agent Knowles. Go home to your family." She said taking the papers out my hand.

I didn't argue with her. I called Garcia and headed home to my family. I know that my baby is gonna be upset cause it's almost 1am. I stopped at the 24hr CVS and grabbed the Plan B. Next, I walked in the house and she was laying in the bed holding my pillow. I sat the pill on her night stand with a glass of water. After that, I took a shower and slid in the bed.

"Hey baby." She said sleepily.

"Hello love. Take the pill that's on your nightstand." She looked over and grabbed it taking it with no questions asked.

"What took you so long to get home? Is everything ok?"

"Yes just stupid ass millionaires taking innocent lives. Anyways we are having a cookout here tomorrow ok?"

"Ok daddy. Goodnight." She kissed me then snuggled into and went back to sleep.

"Goodnight beautiful." I held her and went to sleep myself.

The next morning I woke up before everyone which is fucked up because I was the last one sleep. I got up took care of my morning wood, hygiene and went to make breakfast. As I was cooking Jayden walked downstairs. He walked up to me just holding onto my leg. I looked down at him and he was just locked on and falling back to sleep. I left him like that and finished what I was doing. Oni walked in the kitchen and flipped out.

"What the hell are you doing to my son?"

"I'm not doing nothing to my son. He came down here locked onto my leg and went back to sleep."

"So pick him up." She walked over to me and tried to grab him.

"No! Dada wu!" He yelled flipping out.

"Let him go Onika." She let him go and he went back to his same position.

"What the hell is wrong with him?"

"I don't know but you gotta learn to let kids be. Now can you go get Alyssa while I set the table?"


"Hold on come here." I said pulling her into me. I kissed her with the deepest passion. "Good morning gorgeous."

"Good morning sexy." She smiled her widest and walked off.

Every time I look at her I can see my whole life play out. Our one year anniversary I'm gonna propose. Our two years we will be married. Our third year, she will be pregnant. That's how I want it to go but you know what they say. If you wanna make God laugh you tell him what you got planned. Onika walked down the stairs with Alyssa in her arms. They were talking and laughing which brought a smile to my face.

"Good morning princess."

"Morning Dada. No Yay?"

"Hold on." I picked him up and he whined in my arms. "Here he is. He don't feel good right now."

"It hurt Dada." He started crying hard.

"What hurts buddy?"

"Back hurt. Make stop pwease." He was crying and looked so defeated it broke my heart.

"Ok buddy let's make you feel better." I looked up to see Onika and Alyssa tearing up.

"Fix Yay Dada." She said as I wiped her tears.

"He's gonna be just fine. You and Mommy eat while I go and wash his body." I kissed them both and walked upstairs.

This is one horrible process. He's gonna scream to the top of his lungs but it has to be done. He got it done in the hospital and Onika couldn't handle it. I sat him in the tub and grabbed the necessities. He has a special soap to heal his back. As soon as I put water on him he started screaming. I made sure to close and lock the bathroom door so she didn't come barging in.

"It's almost over baby boy." I talked to him calmly which made him calm down a little he was still crying though.

"No more Dada. It hurt." He cried trying to get out the tub.

"I know buddy but it's gonna make you feel better. Just a few minutes more."

   He put his arms around neck and laid his head on my shoulder. I washed him as fast as I could while he just laid here and cried. It was taking everything in me not to cry with him. After I was done I took him to the room and laid him on his stomach.

"Feel dood(good) now Dada?"

"Yes buddy this is your lotion that's gonna make you feel so much better ok?"

"Otay. I yike it." He said as I started putting the lotion on his back. I put his bandages on and got him dress.

"You ready to eat?" I asked once I was done.

"Yes." I walked to the kitchen to see them two still sitting at the table.

"Did y'all eat?"

"No." They said at the same time.


"We wanna eat with y'all also. What time do you go in today?"

"I'm off today so we was throwing a cookout later on tonight." She started smiling hard as fuck when I said I was off.

"Well we don't wanna waste time so come and sit down. How are you feeling Superman?" She said grabbing him out my arms.

"I otay. Dada made better."

"Dada makes everything better don't she?"

"Yep." He said smiling at me.

"Let's eat so we can get ready for the cookout."

(A/N: Just a cool chapter because they are always on go. Is Mr. Jenkins responsible for the shooting? What is the next level of the game? Will they find out who hit Jay? Let me know what you think. Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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