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     Lord have mercy on me because after that kiss I'm going straight to hell. If her friend didn't open the door Onika would have been on WorldStar. When she got out I had to drive off fast to go clear my head. As I was driving around in circles Wells called me and told me we had a problem.

"What's up Dante?"

"It's a person following Onika?" He said. He sounds like he's on the move. I park at the backside of the mall and walked in.

"Where are they now?" I said looking down at my phone getting the same text from Onika.

"Sitting at the food court. The guy is in a hoodie with a baseball cap on. He got up and made it seem like he was leaving but he's in the ladies room waiting. Do you want me to pick him up?"

"No, we have to see if it's him. Where is Onika?" I asked walking to the food court.

"She's sitting... Damn it! She walking to the bathroom. What to do BG?!" He said sounding frantic.

"Calm down Wells and let her walk in. Once she walks in I need you to start clearing the food court. I'm about 2 mins from you. I just sent Michael a message to start setting up blocks around the food court. Just do what we have been practicing since we've started." I instructed even though I was freaking out on the inside.

    I finally got around the corner and saw that everyone was cleared out through the side door. Michael was still putting up barriers. The LAPD was keeping the crowd and news at bay. I finally was sent the information on the photo that was captured. Onika called me and I heard her whole conversation. I waited with my gun drawn for him to exit. I hope that Onika never finds out I used her as bait to flush him out. She would never forgive me for this. After 10 mins they exited the restroom. Onika looks so shaken and terrified.

"Well if it isn't the bodyguard." He said smirking with the gun to her head.

"Hello Garrett." He looked at me surprised that I knew his name. "You're doing this for Marissa right? Your half sister?"

"So you got all the information huh? It wasn't fast enough for you to save y'all beloved Governor now was it?"

"Why are you really doing this? I've talked to Marissa and she said it's because you were never notice because you're awkward. She said you've always envied her and her girlfriends."

"YOU'RE LYING! She told me to do this for her. She said Onika dragged her name on live TV which made it hard on her business." He said with a shaky hand. I can tell he's not the brain of this operation.

"She said she she never told you to do this. She said that you made this plan because Onika wouldn't give you the time of day. She said she only kept you around because she felt bad for you." At this moment he don't know what to believe.

"That bitch! How could she turn on me like this?!" He said at his wits end. He tightened his hand on the gun and I could tell he was gonna shoot her so I had to think fast.

"Please just stop this!" I yelled our secret phrase and Onika ducked as I shot Garrett twice, killing him.

I ran to Onika and she just screamed and cried harder than I've ever seen her cry. I didn't want it to get to this point but I had to be sure. Dante walked over to me and told me they just picked up Marissa trying to get on a plane to the Cayman Islands. I picked up Onika and walked her to the car. Paparazzi was out hard taking hella photos.

When I got her in the car she screamed cried even more. I can tell this is gonna take a huge toll on her. I wish this was done another way but I didn't see another way without her being taking or shot. I'm gonna take her to her mom's house then I have to report this to my Captain.

"Oni?" I called looking in my rear view mirror.

"Yea?" She said lowly.

"I gonna drop you off at your mom's house because I have to turn my gun in and fill out today's report."

"Will you still be my bodyguard?" She asked.

"Probably not because it was only until we found your shooter. I'll probably be there for about two weeks then they are gonna move me on to the next assignment." I stated truthfully.

"What if I requested you to stay my bodyguard?" She asked hopeful.

"I don't think so because you're not in any immediate danger anymore. We will talk about this more once I see what my Captain says."

"Ok BB." She said looking defeated.

Looking at her sad face was killing me. She was still scared because when we got to her moms house she wouldn't get out the car. This is gonna be a hard transition for her. I got in the backseat to see why she wouldn't get out the car. I held her in my arms cause I know she just want to feel safe.

"What's wrong baby girl?" I asked looking down at her.

"I don't want you to leave me." She said starting to cry again. "What if they make you move from being next door?"

"Well let me go talk to my Cap about some things and I will also tell him to let me keep my house."

"What if he doesn't though?" She said looking in my eyes.

"We won't know until I go see Oni. I will be back in two hours at the most but to do that you gotta get out the car and let me leave." I said then kissed her lips. She moaned into the kiss and at that point I had to stop it. I broke the kiss and she whined.

"Why you stop?" She whined.

"Out the car Oni so I can go." She pouted and folded her arms. I got out the car and picked her up. "You are worst then the kids. And you wonder why Jay act like this." I said walking her in the house.

"Two hours BB." She said seriously.

"Ok baby, two hours." I gave her a peck on her lips and left.

     We act like a couple but won't reveal our feelings to each other. I hope they do resign me from being her bodyguard. If they do that I can probably start dating her. As I was on my way to the Cap's office all I could think about was Onika. How soft her lips are. How smooth her skin is. How fluffy that ass feel. What that pussy might look like. I had a lot of thoughts about her which resulted in a lot of cold showers. I put all that on the back burner and walked in the building.

"Hello Agent Knowles, good work today. Captain Stabler is in his office waiting for you." The receptionist greeted.

"Thanks Kendra, tell the wife and kids I said hello." I said then walked in the office. When I got in there it was a woman in there sitting with her back to me.

"Agent Knowles, come on in. I would like you to meet Olivia Benson. She's taking my place as your new Captain." He said smiling.

"Nice to meet you Captain Benson." I greeted shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you too Agent Knowles. Elliott here told me all about you. Great work catching the gunman who was after the Governor." She said smiling.

"Thank you ma'am. As for my next assignment?" I asked eager to know.

"As of right now you will stay the bodyguard for the the Governor. It's still early but it seems like the president wants you for his security team." She said like it was great news.

"May I speak freely ma'am?"


"I am honored that President Obama wants me to be apart of his security detail but I just got home from being a Marine for 8 years. I missed the first 20 months of my daughters life. I really don't want a job where I'm rarely home." I said a little on edge.

"Wow I didn't know that. Well how about I see the terms in which he's looking for and let you decide if that's the route you want to go. Does that sound better?"

"Yes ma'am. Also would I have to move?"

(A/N: Will she have to move? Is she gonna work for the President? When will they finally profess their love? How will the family feel about it? Why did Marissa do this? Let me know what you think. Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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