Alyssa vs. Solo

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I'm at Mama Tina's house sitting on the couch watching TV while the kids are on the floor talking each other heads off. I am so glad my baby boy is ok minus a few bumps and bruises. I'm just waiting for Beyoncé to get back so we can leave. Solo ran in the house looking very frantic.

"Oni turn on the news." She said out of breath. I turned on the news and froze.

"Good afternoon everyone, we are here today at Special Forces headquarters and there has just been a shooting. Three assailants walked in here and opened fire just to release a suspect. Don't know who the four suspects are at the moment or the motive behind the shooting. The suspect that they came to rescue was the same suspect who shot up the hospital. We will keep you updated as this story unfolds. I'm Lydia Harris. Back to you John." I cut the TV off in a daze. I could hear the muffled voices around me but I couldn't make out what anyone was saying. All I could think about was my baby.

"Onika!" Solo screamed as she shook me out my daze.

"Is she ok? Is BB ok?" I asked softly as tears ran down my face.

"I'm sure she's fine."

"But do you really know? Have she called you?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"She hasn't but give her a few hours cause I know she's gonna want to fix this. Trust her on this Oni." Solo said to me.

"Ok I'm gonna trust it. But what if she..." I was cut off by the door opening and closing. I jumped up to see my baby hands covered in blood and she looking so defeated.

"He's gonna be alright, right?" Was all she said as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. My baby is not one to cry so it has to be someone she really loves I just hugged her and walked backwards towards the rooms.

"Let's get you cleaned up baby and then you can tell me what's going on." I cleaned her up as she just looked on in a daze. She kept asking was he gonna be alright. After she was clean and the glass and blood washed out her hair. I gave her some tea and kneeled in front of her to see will she talk.

"Baby what happened?" I asked looking into her eyes.

"This is all about a video game. These stupid kids are re-enacting a video game." She said getting angry.

"Who blood was all over you?"

"Ch-Chris." She said looking down. "He's been my big brother forever. Since before I joined the Marines. He was already there for two years and then I joined. We have survived riddles of bullets, IEDs and a plethora of more just for him to be shot in a lab. It's not suppose to be this way."

"I'm sorry love that you had to go through this but if anybody can fix this it's you. You're the Superman of all Superman's. Now I want you to take a nap and when you wake up you will have on a different game face. You are too brilliant to doubt your skills."

"But I'm not sleepy. I have to get back to the office." She said getting drowsy. "What the hell? Did you roofie me?" She looked down at the tea then looked at me. "That's cold Onika." She was out after that.

     She's gonna be a little pissed off but she need to sleep for a little bit. She has been on go non stop since the bomb at the State Dinner. I covered her up and kissed her lips then walked out of the room. In the distance I could hear Solo and Alyssa going back and forth. These two get on my nerves sometimes especially Solo. Like you're arguing with a baby. I walked in the living room to see Solo on her knees in Alyssa's face.

"Take back!" Alyssa screamed at Solo.

"No because it's true."

"No not. I sap(slap) you. Take back!" She yelled getting red.

"No and I'll slap you back. Now out my face Giselle."

"No say my two name! Take back now!" She got closer to Solo. They were so close that if they were to toot their lips they would kiss.

"Back up from each other. What the hell is going on?" I said cause Alyssa was two seconds from killing Solo.

"Your daughter can't handle the truth." Solo said.

"It yie(lie). Yook Mommy." She said pointing to the TV. I looked at the TV and see cartoons but I know she's trying to tell me something.

"What am I looking at princess?"

"Soyo(Solo) took tubhouse. She say Ditney dumb. No it not wight Mommy?" I looked at Solo wanting to slap her.

"Seriously Solange? You're arguing with a two year old about Disney?"

"They always hyping that mouse when you know Nickelodeon was and is the best."

"No not!" She said slapping the shit out of Solange.

"Alyssa Giselle Knowles!" I heard from behind me. I didn't even have to turn around to know it is Beyoncé. Oh lord she's about to skin my child alive.

"Dada no I sowey." She said crying before BB even did anything. BB went and grab her so I sat down on the couch giving Solo a death stare.

"Why you looking at me like that? She hit me first."

"Do you hear yourself? What are you 5? She's two years old and you wanted to argue with her."

"Well that slap wasn't two years old. Look at my face." She said pointing to the little hand print. I wanted to laughed at the time it happened but I couldn't cause I have to be a parent.

"That's your fault. You act like she's not Beyoncé in miniature form."

"Yea I thought about that after I changed the channel but I couldn't back down. What would that have made me look like?" Is she fucking serious right now?

"It would've made you look like a person without a two year old hand print on the side of your face." I just shooked my head at her as my babies walked in the living room. Alyssa was sniffling and walked over to Solo.

"I sowey Soyo. I no do adan(again)."

"It's ok princess. I'm sorry for messing with you. Disney is the best ok?"

"Otay." She said sadly and sat beside Jay with her head on his shoulder.

"It otay Ayissa." He said rubbing her back. She just laid there and cried on her brother's shoulder. It made me feel bad I was about to go pick her up until BB said something.

"No Onika. She will be fine but the jury is still out on you being fine." I stopped mid stride and thought about my escape. That thought was cut short when I got lifted out the air.

"No baby I'm sorry I was just trying to help!" We walked passed the kitchen and I yelled to our mothers. "Help me mommies she's trying to kill me!"

"Take it to the guest house no murders in the main house." My mother said.

"It's plastic in the shed." Mama Tina yelled. I can't believe they would just let her kill me. She walked in the guest house and took her handcuffs off her side slapping them on me fast.

"Baby I was just trying to help you sleep. You're up all the time and you needed to get your thoughts together." I said fast trying to plead my case. As I was talking I was backing up not knowing I was back up to the couch. I fell over the armrest with my legs in the air. This is just great.

"Well let me say thank you."

"You just did and you're welcome."

"Nah I like to say thank you in my own way." She said as she snatched all my clothes off in one pull. Yep I'm dead, Jesus help me!

(A/N: Will she ever learn? How will Beyoncé handle what's going on around her? What is gonna happen next? Let me know what you think? Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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