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This chapter is for TIIFFTIIFF for always been a motivation for me to continue to write. This is for you boo!😘😘🥰🥰❤️❤️


Well ain't this about a bitch? First this bi... I mean Beyoncé, is my mom's best friend daughter. Then on top of that she's my bodyguard. Like why can't I get rid of this bi... I mean Beyoncé? Anyways she has a pretty daughter but I don't know why she calls her Dada. That's a little weird to me but hey to each its own. As we were talking we walked in the kitchen to get a slap of a lifetime.

"What the fuck?!" Beyoncé and I said together.

"What was that for?" I asked rubbing my face.

"We got a call from Carmen. So y'all wanna fight and call each other names like y'all have no home training?" Mama Tina said.

"Y'all didn't have to slap us! This is between us!" Beyoncé yelled getting angry. Her chest was heaving up and down fast as fuck. She walked out of the door fast as hell.

"What the hell was that about?!" My mom asked.

"Y'all are a little slow so let me help you. You slapped a former Marine! Did you think about if she has PTSD or not? I was gonna slap her too but I had an epiphany when I looked in her eyes. She ain't all there." I said shaking my head.

"Secondly we are grown not some little kids. If we wanted to argue we got that right. Now I'm taking my son and going home. Jay let's go!" I said walking off from them.

They were in there talking about Beyoncé. I picked up Jay even though he was fighting me and crying to stay. As I was walking outside I saw Beyoncé on the phone trying to calm herself down. She got off the phone when she saw Jay acting a fool.

"Jayden!" She yelled and he calmed down instantly. I need to know how she did that.

"I sorry BB." He said sadly. "I pway Ayissa."

"You can play later without acting like you have lost your mind. Alyssa is about to leave also. I'll get you later if that's ok with your Mommy but you have to act like you have some sense." She said wiping his face.

"Otay BB." He said smiling.

"Now apologize to Mommy for the way you were acting."

"I sorry..."

"What I tell you about sorry Jay?" She said sternly cutting him off.

"I opgize for be bad." He corrected. Ok maybe she's not all that bad if she can discipline him in a month. I am truly surprise and grateful.

"Ok Superman. Thank you." I said looking at her.

"No problem. Alyssa used to try it with me and he does that every time they have to be spilt up. They gave Mama Carol hell a few weeks ago." She said chuckling.

"Are you ok?" I asked shocking myself for even caring.

"I am thank you. Let me grab Alyssa and we can go. Carmen called me and said she have my house set up."

"Wow that was quick. Where are you staying?" I asked because I'm nosy. She didn't say anything she just smiled and walked off.

What the fuck was that? Why the devilish smile? I waited in the car and she came out strapping in Alyssa who was asleep. Beyoncé got in the front seat and drove off. We pulled up to my house and she told me she will see me in the morning to do a walkthrough. When she pulled out the driveway she went to the next house over and parked the car.

Are you telling me she lives beside me now?! This is complete and utter bullshit. I know this has to be Carmen's doing. That house has been for sale for only three days and now all of a sudden she's moving in it. They are acting like this is a big deal when it isn't. I just got my little man ready for bed and went to sleep remembering to cuss Carmen ass out in the morning.

*Next morning*

It is 10:30am and we are doing the walkthrough of where everyone would be positioned. When I tell you that Beyoncé plays no games, she plays no games. When she spoke people got moving like she was God or something. I'm trying to command that type of respect. After the walkthrough I cussed Carmen out then went and got dressed. My speech is at 1:30pm and it took 2 hours to do that walkthrough.

"Onika are you ready?" Beyoncé asked. She actually looks good as fuck in her attire.

"Yes I'm ready." I said walking behind her while an officer was behind me. Like who knew this would get this far?

"I need everyone on there marks we are on the move." Beyoncé said into her mic. We got to the podium and she walked me on the stage. I didn't think I was gonna have a big turnout like this but I kept my composure and started my speech.

"Good morning..." I stopped because I was gonna read off the cards but I decided to speak to my people. "You know what I had a speech ready to give to you but I didn't come up here to read off a card. This is my home, the street I grew up on, my heritage. I know how this place is always overlooked because it's the ghetto they say." I started as the crowd cheered.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Carmen asked in a panic through our headset. I looked at her and continued my speech.

"I know what it's like to live here and be told that you won't make it anywhere. I know what it's like to look at Governors and Presidents and wonder if you could ever be where they are. Slauson Ave is not the bottom we are the ones who make it out on top. We have to start showing each other that we can make it." I continued. I was giving my all in this speech because this wasn't just any neighborhood it was my neighborhood and that meant something to me. I looked over to Beyoncé and she winked at me. I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't blush when I did. Maybe she's not all bad. As I was coming to the end of my speech all I heard was...

"GUN!!!" Beyoncé yelled and she tackled me to the ground. A shot rung out and from there I blacked out.

(A/N: Did Nicki get hit? Who shot a gun? What is Carmen gonna say about her changing her speech? Was the gunman the person sending the letters? Let me know what you think. Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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