Helping Jay

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   We are sitting in the hospital waiting for what happened with my baby boy. We have been all over the news ever since we arrived here. The car that hit him came onto the sidewalk and drove on. They didn't even check to see what or who they hit. It broke me to see my baby laying on the ground lifeless. Beyoncé gave him CPR and got his heartbeat back, all before the EMT's got there.

"What is taking so long?!" I yelled getting impatient.

"Let's go find out but you have to calm down love." She said giving me a kiss.

"Okay but they better tell me something though."

"Hello we are looking for Jayden Maraj. He came in for the hit and run accident. I'm Agent Knowles and this is his mother." She said flipping her badge.

"Yea he's in surgery the doctor should..." She got cut off by the doctor.

"Family of Jayden Maraj?" The doctor yelled looking around.

"That's us!" I said pulling Beyoncé with me. "What's going on with my baby boy?"

"He's gonna be fine. We stopped the bleeding but he's gonna need a blood and plasma transfusion. If you come with me we can see if you're a match for both."

"Ok. BB do you wanna try?"

"I'm not gonna be a match. I got the results back and they say he's not my son." She said looking sad.

"Well you should still try anyway you never know." The doctor said.

    We both went to different rooms to get the test done. After we were done we was finally allowed to see Jay. I walked in the room and broke down. He was connected to wires and tubes. The machine in the room was so loud it was the scariest thing to me.

"Go talk to him love." BB pushed me to the bed.

"Let's go together." I said grabbing onto her. "Hey Superman. Mommy's here to make you feel better. You gotta wake up cause we miss you."

"Hey buddy, can't have you Mommy and sister crying huh? We gotta protect them but I can't do it without you so you gotta get well fast ok? I love you big man."

"I love you Superman." I choked out kissing him on the forehead.

"Let's go calm Alyssa down. Wells is gonna stay for now just in case this was intentional. Also you're gonna give a statement to the press saying he's in critical condition."

"This is all too much. I didn't think having a political career would put a target on me and my family."

"It's like that sometimes but it will ease up I promise. Now let's do what we have to before he wakes up." We walked out the door to see the press standing there.

"Gov. Maraj!" They all yelled for my attention.

"The Governor will make a brief statement and that would be all." BB interfered.

"This evening at 5:45pm an unknown assailant struck my 2 year old son with a car. The driver did not stop and has not came forward." I started choking up thinking about my baby. "Jayden Maraj or as I like to call him Superman, just turned two yesterday and now he's in critical condition at the hospital. Please if you know anything please call the number on your screen. Thank you." I walked to the car with BB clearing my path.

"I know that was hard but good job. Now let's go talk to our baby girl."

"When did you get the results?"

"This morning. It broke my heart. I wanted it to say he was mines so bad."

"He is yours whether he has your DNA or not." I said looking at her heartbroken face. We got out the car and heard Alyssa screaming and crying from outside.

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