Yes, It's Him - Father!Thranduil X Daughter!Reader, Haldir X Reader

Start from the beginning

Trying to be helpful (that was a lie—you loved to tease Thranduil along with your brother), you added, "The Haldir who came with others from Lothlorien to track down any orcs that were still in our woods. The Haldir that went with you, Ada."

"The elf with blond hair, yes, I do remember," Thranduil said. He meant to snap because he knew what you and Legolas were doing. But Thranduil couldn't bring himself to do so.

"May I court him then?" you asked.

Thranduil stood up, walking over to a small table to pour himself a glass of wine. It took him a full minute to do so and it took him a while to drink it all up. You sent your brother a look that meant to ask if he knew what was going through your father's head. And because siblings just have a way with communicating, Legolas understood and shrugged—he had no idea as well. The only thing you both knew was that he was annoyed at something and it wasn't directed at the two of you.

You were about to ask again when Thranduil heaved a sighed. He crossed his arms across his chest and leaned against the wall.

"And here I thought you would end up with Feren," he sighed in dismay.

Legolas howled with laughter as you pouted and whined. Feren was a good friend of yours but you never thought of being more than friends with him. And you knew Feren had someone he was interested in (you were trying to help him by gathering all the flowers he could give to the elleth). Why your father ever thought you'd end up with him was a question you'll never understand.

"Ada," you grumbled.

Thranduil chuckled along with Legolas. He walked up to you and reached to pinch your cheeks. You glared at him as Thranduil looked at you with disappointment. The reason behind this look was then revealed when Thranduil spoke.

"Now I owe Lord Celeborn one precious jewel," Thranduil groaned.

You exclaimed, "You made a bet on who I would end up with? And you chose Feren for me? Are you truly my Adar?"

In the background, Legolas could be heard gasping for air as he laughed and thumped his hand on the table. There was just something so ridiculous about you and Feren together.

With a sigh in mock dissatisfaction with his choices, Thranduil let go of your cheeks and poured himself another glass. "I should have picked Elhross instead," he said.

You hit Legolas' back and he winced at the impact but still kept on chuckling. Pulling at his hair, you rolled your eyes and asked your father once more if you could court Haldir. To your delight, Thranduil waved his hand lazily and nodded.

"Truthfully I approve of Haldir," Thranduil said. "He is an excellent marchwarden, skilled in his job and very responsible. But I still do not understand why he will not approach me to ask for my blessing if he has taken a liking on you."

You slumped over the table and moaned in frustration. "Because if I waited for him to make a move, it will take years before I ever get to dream of getting married! He has been avoiding me."

"But even if he avoids her," Legolas interrupted before Thranduil could speak, "Haldir cannot hide from me the longing gazes. The look in his eyes, Ada, when he sees (Y/N)! It is like the time he led us to Caras Galadhon and the look on his face is in awe at the beauty before him. When I speak of her, he listens intently, even when he pretends he is doing something else."

Blood rushed to your cheeks. You knew Haldir displayed hints of liking you but you didn't know that he acted like that when you weren't looking. It only made you want to court him more. So you stood up, walked to Thranduil, took his hands in yours, and said, "Let me court him, please? Of course there is no guarantee and he might say no even with Legolas' reassurance. But let me try because if I do not do anything, I might end up regretting it."

"Oh (Y/N)," Thranduil said, cupping your cheeks. "Do as you wish, if this will indeed make you happy. I know you will respect Haldir's wishes and I know you are making this decision even with the pain that comes with loving someone."

"Hannon allen (thank you), Ada," you said. You could not help but hug him and Thranduil returned your embrace.

"Can I join this group hug?" Legolas asked. "I feel left out."

And because you and Thranduil were feeling quite childish, you both stepped away from Legolas while still in each other's arms. Your older brother groaned.

"You both are lucky Nana is busy doing something else or she would have hugged me by now," Legolas grumbled.

Before you could run off to find Haldir and tell him of your intent, Thranduil placed a hand on your shoulder. He looked quite serious and you waited patiently for him to say something important.

"Haldir is quite shy, yes?" Thranduil asked Legolas.

"When it comes to (Y/N), he most certainly is."

Thranduil smirked. "Then you must shower him with compliments every day, iellig (my daughter). Flash him the brightest of smiles until his heart could no longer take it," he said. "Not only to win his heart but as payment for the jewel I lost to Lord Celeborn. And tell him I will not make you stop until he comes up to me to declare his love for you!"


The following day, one can see Haldir holding  a bunch of flowers delicately in his hands. He looked at them with a fond smile on his lips.  Later that day one can find Haldir carrying a basket filled with more flowers and some beautiful trinkets but this time they weren't from you—they were meant for you. And when he had given them to you, Haldir had then talked to Thranduil and promised the King he would take care of you (much to Thranduil's dismay because he thought it would take longer than that).

As Celeborn and Thranduil watched the two of you walk off to spend more time with each other, Celeborn smirked and held out his hand with his palm facing up. Without looking at the Elvenking, he said, "I believe payment is due."

Thranduil groaned and handed him a small pouch. "He better take care of my daughter or I will personally try to make his ship sink when he sails."

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