Namesake -Faramir

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(Author's Note: this is a request for dear Rowan! Thank you for being patient and understanding. I hope you like it!

 I was inspired by the YouTube videos that pop up in my recommendation on how they told their husband they pregnant and stuff. They're really cute wklehldhwlehd also if you didn't know, apparently Pippin named his son after Faramir. This is an important thing to remember when you get to the end of this story (I know Faramir and Eowyn's son had a name but just let me change it for this story)

"I am what?"

The healer, clearly very amused by your disbelief, patiently repeated what she had told you earlier. She smiled, placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, and said, "My lady, you are with a child."

Your hands found their way on top of your stomach. The realization that you were carrying life with you brought you to tears and your heart was filled with love and longing to hold the little one in your arms. But at the same time you were filled with fear and doubt. Were you really ready to become a mother? Being one meant a lot of responsibilities. Would you be able to take care of them and give them their needs? Would you be able to teach them to be courteous and kind and loving?

In the midst of your internal debate, the healer handed you a pouch and said, "This may help with the morning sickness. It's tea, dear."

"Thank you very much."

"I heard that Lord Faramir is going to be back home soon," she said, grinning at you. "I know he'll be delighted with this news."

You smiled, trying to hide your nervousness. With one more nod to the healer, you left the room and walked back to the castle, clutching the pouch of tea close to your chest.

Even though you were quite scared of the idea of being a mother, the excitement of breaking the news to your husband pushed the negative thoughts to the back of your mind. He had mentioned in passing how lovely it would be to have children running around the house so you knew he was going to be pleased.

What you were now worried about was how to break the news to him.

You want it to be special, something memorable.

When you reached your house, you went straight to your room where you stored your yarns and knitting needles and sat down on your favorite chair by the fireplace. You decided to knit a pair of little socks. It didn't take a long time for you to finish and when you were done, you were quickly walking out of the door in search for a box and a soft baby blanket.

You wrapped the socks with the blanket and placed it in the box. The box then sat on your bedside table and remained untouched until your husband came home.

He arrived a few days later, looking quite worn out from the journey. But the fatigue evident on his face melted away once he saw you standing by the castle, eagerly waiting for him. He got down his horse and didn't waste a moment to run to you and gather you in his arms. His lips found yours and the both of you couldn't hold back your smiles.

"I am home, my love," he said, smiling down at you.

You chuckled and placed a hand on his chest. "I am glad you came back safely, Faramir," you said. "How was your journey?"

"Quite peaceful," he said. "Our meetings were also very productive. Lady Arwen sends her regards. She also told me to tell you congratulations."

Your eyebrows shot up—did she tell him? "Congratulations? Why?" you asked, trying to hide from him the surprise.

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