Understanding my Story

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I saw his eyes widen behind his goggles. The gun in his hand never wavered from my head but his eyes showed clear shock.

   " How do you know my name? "

   " Matt isn't your real name. It's only your alias, I know your real name though. "

His eyes somehow got wider and I saw him lower the gun a little.

   " How? The Task Force can't be that far in yet. They are only worried about getting that girl back and they don't know about me yet. "

   " That's because I'm different. If you'll lower the gun and take a seat over on the couch I'll explain. How does that sound? "

   " No tricks? "

   " None at all. You can even have my phone to prove it to yourself that I won't trick you. "

I handed my phone to him and after a few minutes of thinking, he took it from me and sat on the couch. He still held the gun but not as tightly as before and it only rested on his hand as he rested his elbows on his knees, leaning forward.

   " Explain how you know who I am. "

   " Alright. I know who you are because I am not from this world. "

It took him some time and he started laughing. He laughed until I saw tears in his eyes and he smiled a laughable grin at me.

   " That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. Man, what are they feeding you in Japan? Clearly whatever it is, is making you crazy. "

I sat on the edge of the bed and leaned forward. I rested my elbows on my knees and held my hands together in front of me. I played a poker face and looked him right in the eyes.

   " Your real name is Mail Jeevas and you work with a blonde mafia leader named Mello. I won't say his real name in case he hasn't told you yet. You both are orphans and attended Wammy's House in England. Wammy's House is a place where you are groomed to become the next L in case something happens to them. You and Mello also know another kid by the name of N or Near. I will also not mention his name in case you don't know what it is. L died and the opportunity to succeed L was given to Mello and Near, but Mello knew he couldn't work with Near and left Wammy's House taking you with him. Now you are helping Mello because you are his best friend. "

His laughing had stopped a long time ago and he was starring at me like I was a ghost. His posture was frozen and he wouldn't move a muscle. I smiled slightly and asked,

   " Tell me, was any of that information wrong? "

He stood up and pointed the gun to my forehead and I did my best to remain calm.

   " How do you know all of this? "

   " I told you I am not from here. Now put the damn gun down before I take it from you. "

He slowly lowered the gun and sat back down on the couch as I started to explain.

   " One day I was working on something in my house when I got a head-splitting headache. I passed out and when I woke up I found myself in a hotel room with the Task Force and L. L tested me with a  lie detector to figure out who I was and I told the truth through everything. In my world, this is all an anime and it's not real. I know it like the back of my hand. I know what will happen in the future and what has happened in the past. I worked with the Task Force and L but really I was there to keep the story going like it was supposed to. I made sure the train didn't derail and everything stayed on track with the original story. "

   " So, was L supposed to die? "

   " Yes. "

   " Do you know who  Kira is? "

   " I do. "

   " Why didn't you tell L and end everything then? "

   " Because that's not how the story is supposed to go. I'm supposed to keep the story as it is and if anything changes I have to fix them. "

   " Have you had any changes so far? "

   " Yes, but I've been able to fix all of them besides two. "

   " What two? "

   " That information isn't important at the moment. "

He nodded and stood up from the couch putting his gun away.

   " Will you come with me willingly to Mello. I don't want to have to threaten you to go there, you seem nice enough. "

   " Thanks. Sure why not? I want to meet Mello anyway and make sure he understands that I can't have anything mess up. "

   " Why not? "

   " I'm afraid if something here changes it'll damage my world and I don't want that to happen. "

   " I get it. Well, let's go. I'll take you to his base but when we get close I'm going to have to blindfold you. "

   " Kinky. "

   " Only in your dreams, sweetheart. "

   " Actually in my nightmares. "

He smiled a little and we started leaving the room.

   " I can tell you and I will be good friends. "

   " Agreed. "

   ' When the time comes for him to die I don't know if I'll be able to save him or not. I can't continue to save everyone from their death. I already saved Lawliet and that's the biggest change to this story yet. I don't think I'll be able to save him or Mello. '

She Knows The Future ( L Lawliet x Reader )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang