The Unexpected

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Misa didn't talk at all. She didn't utter a word since she was taken. She was restrained and blindfolded. She looked completely vulnerable. Watari would undo her strict restraints and let her use the bathroom but she wasn't able to do anything else. I didn't like looking at Misa while she was restraint. The way she was restrained would make almost any woman scared or upset. She was very vulnerable. After 3 days she started talking. She would only talk about death. She wanted us to kill her. She even tried to bite her tongue but she was gagged before she could. After that, she didn't talk anymore. Then she started talking again a couple of days later. I sat beside Lawliet as we watched the screen.

    " Mr. Stalker? Hello, Mr. Stalker where are you right now? D-Do you think we could stop playing this game? "

   ' She gave up her ownership of the Death Note. She lost her memories. '

I glanced at Lawliet and he looked utterly confused. He held a small chocolate cupcake up to his mouth but the treat never reached his mouth. He sat there with his hand in the air just holding the treat. I took it from his hand and threw it into my own mouth. I grabbed his hand and set it back to his side.

   " Mr. Stalker this is illegal. You have to stop. Okay? Come on. Please? "

   " Does she really think she can get out of this playing dumb? " Matsuda implied.

   " Okay, how about this? You can at least take off my blindfold don't you think? It'll be nice to see what you look like. "

   " Matsuda, call Aizawa for me. " Lawliet finally said.

He dialed the number and handed the phone to Lawliet and Lawliet asked Aizawa,

   " Mr. Aizawa when you apprehended Misa Amane you made it clear that she was a suspect am I correct? "

I could hear him speak through the phone. Misa started talking again. After Lawliet told me that Aizawa apprehended Misa and not Mogi I became even more cautious with what I did. Mogi originally apprehended her and not Aizawa, so the story changed a bit. 

   " What if I gave you an autograph or shake your hand? I know! I should give you a kiss on the cheek if you want. Oh, come on. I won't run away, I promise. "

   " Misa Amane," Lawliet called. He clicked the left button so his voice would change when she heard it.

   " What's that Mr. Stalker? Are you planning to release me? "

   " Before you passed out you barely spoke. You even asked me to kill you. And now you are claiming ignorance? "

   " I don't understand. I mean you're the one who knocked me out and brought me here remember? Wait I get it. This is some kind of Misa Amane interrogation fantasy am I right? "

   " Oh my gosh, that is the weirdest thing she has said so far. "

This continued to go on for a while. She played ignorance and didn't know what was going on. Everyone seemed to get somewhat mad. Matsuda even grabbed the microphone and told her to stop being stupid. She kept claiming Lawliet was a stalker and claimed he was a pervert and wanted to watch her go to the bathroom.

   " You pervert! "

    " I'm a pervert? " He questioned.

   " I wouldn't think too much about it, Ryuzaki. "

It continued on like this for a while. Misa continued to claim she was innocent when really she had lost her memory. Nothing seemed to be getting out of place with the story yet. I knew that at this part in the anime Light gets ready to give up his Death Note. When I was with Light I would watch as he kept thinking his plan over and over again. He kept thinking I would forget but I told him that even if I did I would remember. Finally, the day came when Light came and told Lawliet that he might be Kira.

   " Ryuzaki, like I said over the phone. I could be Kira. "

Everyone looked shocked and Lawliet looked even more frustrated. Mr. Yagami wasn't happy, at all, about Light admitting that he might have been Kira. Lawliet must have been questioning why Light came to confess when there was no evidence. Light just gave up. Light gave his case of why he was Kira. Light's excuse made complete sense. He does a great job of pretending and lying about Kira.

   " I'm not sure of anything anymore. I'd never kill someone but unconsciously who knows what I'm capable of. Another me could be killing as I sleep. "

   " I'm afraid that's not possible. "

   " Impossible? What do you mean? "

   " Well, I never mentioned this to you but I once put hidden security cameras in your room for 5 days. Every single night you slept normally. Criminals whos names were broadcast were still dying. Even when you had no way of knowing about them. This didn't prove your innocence to me all it proved was that if you were Kira no amount of surveillance would reveal that fact. "

   " That fact could be true. I've been finding myself lately starting to think Like Kira. "

Lawliet stayed silent for a moment until he said,

   " Honestly, I don't like the way this is going but what choice do I have? Let's do it. I need you to fully restrain Light Yagami and place him in solitary confinement. "

   " What!? You can't! " Mr. Yagami shouted.

   " If we are going to do this it has to happen immediately. From this point on I can't allow you to leave my sight at all. "

   " It's okay dad. Listen something has to be done about this. Ryuzaki promise me this. Until you can say for absolute certainty that I am not Kira you can not set me free. No matter what I say or what condition I am in. "

   " You have my word. "

Light then was stripped of his jacket leaving him in a black long-sleeved shirt and black pants. They put him in handcuffs. They grabbed a blindfold and headphones to put on him but he stopped them.

   " There's one more thing I have to do. "

Light walked closer to me. I stood up and looked him in the eye wondering what he was going to do.

   ' This isn't part of the anime. But then again I wasn't supposed to be here either. '

   " Yes, Light? "

He stood right in front of me and looked at me. He leaned down and leaned towards my ear. He whispered to me quickly.

   " Be careful while my memory is gone. I trust you to not let anything slip. "

Then he did something unexpected. He moved away from my ear and kissed my cheek. I felt myself tense up. I also felt another presence stand beside me and an arm stretched in front of me pulling me back from Light. Light's eyes traveled to Lawliet's form that stood beside me. My eyes also starred at Lawliet.

   " Please refrain from doing such actions to Y/n. I understand you are being detained and may not see her for a while, but please refrain from doing affectionate actions to my coworker. "

Light looked at him confused and walked to Matsuda, Mogi, and Mr. Yagami. They blindfolded him and put the headphones on and took him away. Lawliet lowered his arm and looked at me.

   " Y/n you don't have feelings for Light Yagami do you? "

She Knows The Future ( L Lawliet x Reader )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt