'Cameron Roman is as he described himself a true romantic. We found our friendship by reading several books'.

'And what about Ezra Carter?' Antonio asks curious. I look over at Ezra, him lifting both his eyebrows when I try to find the words.

'Ezra Carter is a very polite young man. Even after I accused his aunt he didn't blame me. He is a true gentlemen', I lie right in his face.

'That sounds like your sister has a hard time choosing', Antonio laughs. I join him, agreeing on that fact.

'What can we expect from you?' He asks when we are done laughing. My gaze tightens immediately, not quit understanding what he is asking me.

'Excuse me?'

'I mean, when will you find your prince charming? A princess shouldn't go true life without love'. I stare at him for a moment, mad about the things he claims.

'I'm sure that a princess can go true life without a prince. Not every woman needs a man. Besides, I have enough love from my friends and family', I defend myself.

After another bunch of these questions the cameras stop rolling and I try to calm myself down. When I was younger I couldn't imagine myself being with someone when I grew up. Suddenly I felt all aware about the game Cameron and I were playing. If Valentina would choose him my heart would be broken. On the other hand he made it pretty clear that he didn't want to be a royalty. But even if we would end up together, he automatically would become one. I stare at the empty seat in front of me when Ezra takes place in it, the journalists packing their stuff behind me.

'I am indeed a gentlemen', Ezra assures me when I look up at him, that stupid grimace playing on his face.

'Prove it', I warn him before standing up and walk out of the sitting area, needing to clear my mind.

⇺ ⇻ ♕ ⇺ ⇻

'Are you sure you want to do this?' Jade asks while I look at myself in the mirror. The soft golden dress she had made for me fell down my body more elegant than I had expected. My hair loose over my shoulders. I had spent most of the time on the roof after my interview, even though my father had asked me not to go there anymore. I couldn't stay away. The sun was already under and if I wouldn't go to the library now, Cameron would be gone.

'You realise what you are risking, right?' She tries again. I turn to her, unsure about my own actions. She could clearly see the fear on my face.

'Rosa, he could get killed. That are the rules of the Selection. He can't be seen with someone other than your sister'.

'We are only sitting there, talking about books probably', I defend myself. But still I'm not sure either. He risked a lot to meet me in the evening, but even if we did get caught, I'm sure my father and sister wouldn't let him get killed. He was a much loved candidate. Not as much as Ezra, but who cares.

'I want you to be happy, honestly. But the citizens started to like you again for fighting on that field. Maybe you shouldn't ruin that', she tries again.

'Do you believe in love at first sight?' I ask, ignoring her statement. Jade stares at me for a while, her blue eyes twinkling in the candle light.

'I don't believe that has ever happened to me', she whispers. I nod a little, realising she wouldn't give me a proper answer to that. Had she been in love with Levi all these years, or did it just happen? Maybe she hadn't realised how much she loved Levi until she knew there would be a chance of ever losing him in a war.

'Do you believe in that?' She asks, interrupting my overthinking. I nod in agreement, thinking back of the day the candidates had arrived. Back then I hadn't realised what I was feeling, it had scared me.

'He looked at you that day', Jade whispers. I glance at her, tears in my eyes when she takes a seat on my bed.

'How did you know?'

'I watched the news that night. You didn't want to join us back then. There was a shot of Cameron walking to the King, doing the normal procedure. But when he turned to you, his gaze changed completely. Honestly I'm shocked no one gossiped about that', she explains. I sink down in the bed also, trying to make sense out of her words.

'His gaze changed?' I ask carefully. Jade nods, takes a lock from my hair and puts it behind my ear. Her eyes a little concerned.

'Maybe I saw more in it than the others. But to me that looked like love at first sight', she whispers. Jade takes my hand in hers, forcing me to look at her.

'Rosa, I want you to be happy. But you have to realise that this might not end well. If your sister picks him I don't want you to shatter in pieces. A boy is not worth that'.

I look down at our hands, feeling completely empty when I think of that possibility. No matter what would happen, I believe Cameron and I couldn't stay together. We were doomed to fail. At least I had these kind of moments. I had to enjoy them as long as they lasted. 

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