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Hiya guys! Here is chapter five! *claps hands in excitement!*

Damira: Shut up, pee brains! Your late on another chapter! 

*pouts* but, I've been busy... you know... having a life outside is pretty darn hard. 

*Damira huffs, snapping her teeth* I don't care! Soleil and I are more important! 

Soleil: Now now, author here has been lazy yes but it just means we've had some time alone! Our first book has so many reads, my love. *Soleil kisses Damira's cheek. 

See! You guys are just so popular now! I'm shaking in my boots with happiness! 

Damira: You don't own boots, idiot. 

Soleil: Come now, lets start the chapter. 

Chapter five ~ Soleil

Sweat creeped down my neck as the well of magic inside of me was drained to the very drop, Damira's presence in my mind and soul the only thing grounding me. We have successfully gotten Damira to grasp that thread, however, I need to be able to hold out long enough to kill Hecate. To use my magic and sear through Hecates own soul. 

I seem to be having trouble holding the power for a long time. 

Breathing rather harshly, I squeeze my eyes closed, the well drawing closer to the bottom before I let go with a cry. The world is quite dizzy as I fall back into the grass, my heart beating fast. 

I knew that using my magic would be hard, but actually tapping into it and holding onto it long enough to wield it... it is so draining. And considering we have so many few days left... can I really do it? 

Sighing deeply, I sit up only to find Damira peering down at me with a worried frown. "You okay baby?" Her hand comes to caress my cheek softly, her eyes wondering over my face, searching. i search her face, my heart slowly calming down and the world around me back in its place. 

"Yeah... I think so," I huff a small laugh, rubbing the back of my neck. My hands shaky with the use of power. My power runs so deep, I'm not even quite sure where it ends. Honestly scares the hell out of me. 

With the help of Damira, I stand on my shaky legs almost like a newborn. Dia and Selene are quietly discussing something, not paying as any mind. Those two have been beside each other since day one. Who are they to each other? Is their past connected? Probably wont ever find out so I guess I'll always be guessing. 

"Soleil, baby?" Damiras voice cuts me from my thoughts, worry still lining her tone. "You sure your okay?" 

"I'm okay," I whisper, placing a tender hand upon her cheek. "Sorry to make you worry." Damira nuzzles her cheek into my hand, savoring the moment. 

"We're almost there." 

"I know," We share a small smile before turning to the women in the back. Dia and Selene now watching us in silence, their old eyes squinted as if thinking deeply about something. "Shall we continue?" 

"No," Dia says, her voice cold. Suddenly, the ground shakes violently. "Because we have bigger problems." Damira takes my hand tightly as we stumble to the grass, the screams of the village Dwarfs nearby echoing through the mass. 

"What is that?" I yell out as the shaking suddenly stops, silence coating the air. However I spoke too soon, the Elder Tree glowed a bright gold. "We need to get closer!" I yell, gathering my companions attention. They all nod and follow me towards the Elder Tree. The magic in the air is intense, almost breath taking. It got worse as we got closer, the Elder Tree lit in golden flames of magic. What in the world was happening? 

"Elder Dory!" Dias voice rung out loudly over the turmoil, her figure suddenly down beside the Dwarf of this land. "Elder Dory! What is happening?!" The Elder Dwarf Dory groaned in pain, his staff dug into the ground, latched onto it for dear life. 

"S-Someone...Something is stealing the Elder Tree's power..." 

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