Chapter 21

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Yeji and Jungkook returned home after getting her printed thesis and submitted them to the faculty. Their arrival was greeted with Hanzo loud growl.

"What's wrong boy?" Yeji asked. Jungkook frowned as he looked at the way Hanzo acted. "Hanzo?"

Hanzo turned around and walked around the living space in circle. He didn't stop growl for a second.

Yeji tried to approach Hanzo but he seems restless. "Hanzo!" Jungkook called him with stern voice. Hanzo stopped walking at once and stared at him. "What is it?" Jungkook asked him coldly.

Hanzo went to the couch and sniffed it.

Jungkook went to the couch and look between it. He found a paper.

"Dear happy family,

It's good to have each other back right? I just want to tell you that your happiness won't stay long, sweetheart. Come and find me and our home. You know where exactly to find me.

We don't want to ruin your sweet human world don't we?

Let's finish everything there. Come to me when you're ready to leave the world forever.

I can't wait to see your blood.



He clenched his fist, crumpling the paper at once. "How does this get in here, Hanzo?!" he glared the wolf.

Hanzo went to the front door and growled at it.

Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise before he hurriedly went back to the front door. Yeji silently followed him from behind. She grabbed onto his hand firmly, "Is everything okay?" she asked him. Her heart was racing fast.

"She was here, Yeji. Areum was here. And she left this on our couch." Jungkook showed her the paper.

Yeji hesitantly took it and read it. Her body was shaking in fear. "Wh-What should we do n-now?" she bit onto her nail.

Just then, Jungkook's phone rang.

"Hoseok hyung?"

"Jungkook-ah, Areum-"

"You got one too?" Jungkook asked him.

"Too? You mean she went into your place too?" Hoseok asked and Jungkook just replied with a silence.

"So what do you want to do now?" Hoseok asked him.

"I don't know hyung. I really don't know." Jungkook rubbed his forehead.

"We'll think of something Jungkook. But at the moment, make sure she's with you." Hoseok told him and Jungkook nodded, "I will. Be safe hyung."

"I will." Hoseok then hung up.

Yeji kept looking at Jungkook, waiting for him to say something, but he didn't.

Few days passed by and nothing bizarre happen. Life went on as usual for Yeji. She had final exams coming soon so she was doing revision. Jungkook, for an exchange was being alert at all time. He would go out at the balcony and looked around for any sign of Areum of her people.

Yeji finally finished with her third and final exam paper. She threw herself on the soft bed. "You're good?" Jungkook asked as he sat at the edge of the bed, taking off his tie.

"Good? It's amazing! I'm finally done with degree!" Yeji sighed in happiness. "You're that happy? Are you not worry about not seeing your friend anymore?" Jungkook asked. Yeji sat up and looked at Jungkook, "I don't want to be rude but I'm not going to miss them, not even a bit. I mean they never treat me as a friend and I never let them so we're not emotionally attached. Everything will be good." Yeji told Jungkook.

He nodded. He gave a thought for a moment.



"Let's go out for dinner." Jungkook looked at her. She frowned, "Why?" "Nothing much. I just want to celebrate you." Jungkook gave her a soft smile. "Your treat?" Yeji looked at him teasingly. "Of course." Jungkook chuckled. "Then, I'm going." Yeji smiled widely.

Jungkook and Yeji watched the night view in amusement. "Do you like it here?" he asked her. She nodded eagerly. "I love it but isn't it too expensive?" Yeji looked at him with a slight worry look. "Not more expensive compared to share this view with you. That's priceless." Jungkook gently wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her to rest against him.

"Well, do you like the food served tonight?" Jungkook asked. "It's a 5 stars hotel, oppa, of course the food would taste delicious. I love everything about tonight." Yeji smiled. "I'm glad you like it." Jungkook kissed her head. "It's getting late now. Should we got home?" he talked to her rather softly. She gave him a small nod. "Let's go, baby." Jungkook led the way.

They were surprise when they walked into the house. The place was totally upside down. The chairs were toppled, couch was scratched. Paintings of the wall fell to the floor, the mirror shattered into pieces. "Hanzo? Hanzo?" Yeji walked into the house, calling for Hanzo's name since he's not around. Jungkook silently looked around the house. *what the hell happened in here?*

"Hanzo!" Yeji cried. Jungkook quickly went to the bedroom. He was surprise to find Hanzo's bleeding. "Hanzo, wake up boy! Hanzo!" Yeji cried. "Hanzo..."Jungkook checked him while he's still in Yeji arms. "Don't worry baby, he's still alive but we need to get him treated." Jungkook told her.

"And I suggest you to do so too. He's quite a fighter." A foreign voice said.

Yeji and Jungkook turned around.

Jungkook gritted his teeth, "Areum!" he quickly stood protectively in front of Yeji.

"It's good to see you again, Jungkook and you too, Yeji." Areum smiled.

Yeji got up and strode towards her but Jungkook held onto her. "Crazy woman! What did you do to Hanzo?!"

"Just putting him to his place. I was only trying to get a seat while waiting for your arrival. You know, I never like that wolf. He always stick by your side." Areum rolled her eyes.

"What do you want Areum?!" Jungkook asked her.

"I told you I'm waiting for you didn't I?" Areum looked at them. "Well, I got tired of waiting so I am here to get you myself." Areum smiled.

Yeji gritted her teeth. "Too bad I won't give up just like that, woman!"

Areum rolled her eyes. "I know you would say that." Areum got up and in a swift movement, she had Jungkook against the wall, choking him.

"No!" Yeji was about to run to them but Areum created a barrier. "Uh-oh. Can't go further, princess. Now watch as I took the air out from him." Areum tightened her grip around Jungkook's throat. He struggled to free himself but when it comes to Areum, he's powerless, they all are.

"Let him go! Please! Just take me! It's me that you want! Let go off him!" Yeji was begging.

Jungkook watched in pain as his wife begged for his freedom. "Y-ye...ji..." Tears threatened to fall from his eyes.

"I'll come with you!" Yeji said.

"N-No...Y-yej..." Jungkook's eyelids were slowly closing.

"Please, let him go!" Yeji was on her knees.

Areum turned to her with a small smile. "What's this? My sister begging for me...on her knees? Now that a scene." She then released Jungkook from her grip. "Well, since you plead, I'll take you." Areum walked to Yeji and pulled her by her hair.

"N-No...Yeji..." Jungkook sight were blurry.

"Oh, don't worry, my brother in-law. I won't kill her, just yet. I want you to be there when I stab that knife into her flesh again and again. So don't be late, okay?" with that Areum and Yeji slowly disappeared into thin air and Jungkook slowly lost his consciousness.

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