Chapter 19

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A familiar, strong calming scent invaded her nose. Yeji slowly opened her eyes to the sunlight. She groaned.

Jungkook who just got out from the bathroom turned to Yeji on the bed. "Good morning, baby." Yeji turned to face him. "Mmm, morning." "Are you feeling okay?" he asked her as he sat next to her on the bed. His hand gently stroke her hair. He then bent down and softly kissed her shoulder.

"A little sore but I'll be okay."

Jungkook nodded. "Let's get ready. I'll send you to class." Yeji looked at him, "I'm not going." Jungkook looked at her in surprise. "You can't Yeji. You-" "I never skip class before and this week is the last week of class. I should be okay." Yeji told him. "Besides, I don't think I can walk after what we did last night." She said it with an obvious flush portrayed on her face.

"Okay, then. Get back to sleep." Jungkook kissed her head before he got up and went to his wardrobe. "You have class today? Any meeting?" she asked him. "No and no." Jungkook was searching for something to wear. "So are you going to the office then?" Yeji asked him again. "Again, no." Jungkook pulled out a shirt.

Yeji watched his strong back, not missing to notice the scratch marks that she left on him last night. Jungkook pulled his shirt down, perfectly dressed for the day.

"If you're not going out, then take off that shirt and get on the bed with me." Yeji said. Jungkook turned to her in surprise. "Really Yeji? After a couple rounds last night and you still want more?" Jungkook teased her.

Yeji rolled her eyes. "I just want to cuddle. Not that." Jungkook chuckled. He took off his shirt and got on bed next to her. He hugged her closely to him and he started to shower her with kisses all over her face and her neck. He left more hickeys on her but she didn't get mad at all.

Jungkook looked down into her eyes. "Geez, I really need to prepare a hot bath for you after this baby." Yeji rolled her eyes again, "I told you I'm fine." "But you won't be after this baby." Jungkook kissed her passionately before having another make out session together.

Yeji had Hanzo on her lap. "Sorry that you had to listen to everything last night, Hanzo." She apologized to him. He just responded while wagging his tail. "Do you think I should move in with him?" she asked him. "I mean, he is my husband and I don't see anything wrong with it. But I don't want to be a burden."

Hanzo whimper.

Yeji sighed before she checked the time. "Where is he? He said he won't be long." Jungkook went out to but a few things.

Just then the bell to the house rang. Hanzo quickly ran out from her lap and headed to the door. Yeji was following him. *must be Jungkook oppa.* she was about to open the door but came to a stop when Hanzo acted so differently. He was growling at the door.

Sensing that something is wrong, Yeji whispered to him, "What's wrong, Hanzo? That's not Jungkook?"

Hanzo kept growling at the door.

Then there's knocks on the door. "Delivery for Miss Ko Yeji."

Yeji frowned, *for me? No one knows I live here.* she took steps backward and ran to find her phone. She quickly called Jungkook. "Oppa, something's not right!" she was almost crying.

"I know baby. I'm at the lobby and I can already smell them even from down here! Don't open the door! Stay close to Hanzo! I'll be there in seconds!" Jungkook then hung up.

Yeji quickly went back to Hanzo. She stayed closed to him. "Ko Yeji, open up! We know you're in there!" the voice kept on calling. The banging on the door did not stop. And out of the sudden it went silent and Hanzo stopped growling.

"What's happening out there, Hanzo?" she whispered to him. Just then there's another knock on the door but this time, it was a gentle knock. "Baby, it's me." Yeji heard Jungkook's voice.

She quickly got up and opened the door. Without waiting for him to come inside, she threw herself on him. "Oppa, I'm scared!" she cried at once.

Jungkook hugged her tightly. "Don't worry baby." He turned to the dust on the floor in front of the door, the dust of the intruders after he exterminates them. "They won't be coming here anymore, trust me." Jungkook gritted his teeth. With Yeji still in his hands, they went inside house.

Jungkook placed her on the couch. "Don't worry baby. I'm here now." he looked at her. Yeji looked back at him in surprise. "Ju-Jungkook...oppa." She pointed at his head.

Jungkook was puzzle. "What?" his hand reached for his head and only then he realized that he shifted.

Yeji looked down and was surprise to see something else. "A t-tail..."

"Sorry to surprise you with these, baby. Hold on." Jungkook said before he slowly shifter back. The tail slowly disappeared and the wolf ears disappeared, slowly replaced with a human ears. "There...normal back."

Yeji still looked at him in surprise. "Don't you remember? That's how people in your tribe shifted." Jungkook sat next to her and brought him close. "Put that aside. Are you okay now, baby?" he asked. Yeji clutched onto his shirt as she bite on her nail of her other hand.

Jungkook pulled away her hand from her lips. "Don't do that baby. You haven't change a bit." He smiled. "Sorry I left you alone. I promise you I keep you safe and yet, this happen. But don't you worry as long as I put the barrier around the house, they won't be able to get inside." Jungkook said.

Yeji looked at him, "What about Areum? She can get through your barrier right?"

Jungkook was surprise at her word. *how she know?*

"For some reason, I have this put a barrier around my room too, right? That's why I only got attack whenever I'm outside. But that day, Areum was in my room. So I guess she can break into you barrier?" She looked at him.

Jungkook's face saddened. "I'm not a strong man like you're hoping to be, Yeji. When it came to Areum, no one can win against her. I'm sorry, Yeji."

Yeji cupped his face. "No, don't say that. You're a strong man. You're my husband I know you're strong. And please don't apologize. It's not your fault, oppa."

Jungkook looked at her with a sad smile. "What do I do without you, Yeji?" he hugged her.

Areum threw the tray aside. "So they even get your best man exterminates?!" "I'm sorry, my lady." The man apologize. "Jungkook's barrier can't be that strong!" Areum glared at the men. They didn't dare to look up at her. "I-It seems that his strength has increase the moment Yeji return back to his side, my lady."

"General, are you suggesting me to give up of my sister?" Areum narrowed her eyes at the general. "N-no, my l-lady. Absolutely no." the general answered.

"I, Areum the greatest ruler of the wolf-demon tribe will never loose against that filthy half-human! I will do it on my way from now. You are dismissed!" Areum said to her army.

Areum stared outside. "Watch it, Yeji. As the ruler of the wolf-demon tribe, I will eliminate the human blood line from this family." She clenched her fist. "Enjoy your moment while you still can, dear sister." 

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