Chapter 10

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 Yeji looked at Hanzo. "Hanzo..." she called him. Hanzo opened his eyes and looked at her. "Aren't you bored?" she asked and Hanzo shook his head. Yeji frowned, "You've been sleeping all day, Hanzo. Isn't that boring?" she asked again and this time Hanzo ignored her.

"Hanzo." Yeji whined but Hanzo keep ignoring her.

"Hmm fine. Watch the room for me. I'm going to the toilet." Yeji got up from her seat and headed towards the bathroom in her room.

Yeji did her facial routine. While she saw applying lotion to her face, she heard Hanzo growling just outside the bathroom. Yeji frowned deeply. *what is wrong with that boy?*she opened the door only to find Hanzo, growling at the entrance door to the room.

"Hanzo, what's wrong boy?" Yeji bent down to rub him but he stepped away from Yeji and kept glaring at the door.

Just then she heard knock on the door. "Hmm?" Yeji frowned. *someone's here? but it's already late.* Yeji thought but still she opened the door which earn a loud, deep growl from Hanzo.

Once the door is open, Hanzo stood protectively in front of Yeji. She was surprise to find a woman in front of her, "Y-You...!" Hanzo barked at her once.

The unknown woman wave her hand once and in a blink of eye, Hanzo was thrown to the wall with a loud thump. He fell on the floor, half-conscious.

"Hanzo!" Yeji ran to Hanzo and was about to touch him when the unknown woman moved in fast speed and kicked Yeji on her stomach. Yeji groaned in pain.

She looked up at the woman. "Y-You..." "I know I should find you earlier, sister." The woman spat before she brought out her sharp claw. "Good night, sister." The unknown woman raised her hand, ready to attack Yeji. Yeji shut her eyes tightly, not wanting to see how her life is ending.

"Wh-What?!" the unknown woman ground in trouble.

Yeji slowly opened her eyes and surprise swept her face at the sight of her lecturer in front of her.

"Dr.?" she called with tears in her eyes.

Jungkook was holding back the woman's attack with his own claws. "A-areum...!" he was struggling since the woman is strong.

The woman called Areum smirked at him. "Still loyal to her huh? But does she remember you?"

Jungkook gritted his teeth. "Shut up!" with his strength he threw the woman away but the woman safely landed on her feet. "I hate to bring them out but looks like I have too!" Jungkook growled before his ear and tail started to appear.

Yeji looked at him with mixing feeling; amazed, surprised and scared at the same time.

Jungkook glanced to the side. "Hanzo! Stay close to Yeji!"

Being too focused on what's happening right in front of her, Yeji totally forgot about Hanzo. She turned to find Hanzo was already walking towards her. Yeji quickly got up and threw herself at Hanzo. "Hanzo, stay down." She whispered to him but Hanzo broke away from her and stood protectively in front of her.

The woman laughed. "I can't believe you already have Hanzo and Jungkook but you don't remember neither of them. What a joke, sister."

"Whether she remember or not, it's not your business! I will still protect her from you!" Jungkook clenched his fist.

Areum laughed. "This is getting interesting. Well, I'm not going to kill her at the moment. I'm just dropping by to say hello. But remember, the next time we meet, I will have your head in my room, Yeji." The woman then slowly disappeared.

Jungkook kept glaring at the spot where the woman was standing.

"Dr?" Yeji called him.

Jungkook quickly turned around and headed to her window. He jumped out from the window and quickly ran into the forest.

"Wh-What...just happen-" Yeji fell onto the floor unconsciously.

"Princess..." a young boy headed towards her with a wolf by his side. Young Yeji looked up and broke away from her mother's hug.

"Jungkook oppa..." she hugged his leg. "I miss you, Jungkook oppa." Yeji looked up and smiled widely. He bent down. "Wait here, princess. I need to greet your mother." The boy then walked to Yeji's mother and bowed to her with respect. "My lady."

The woman smiled. "You're taking her for a walk?" Jungkook nodded. "Where's my husband?" she asked. "My lord is with his wife at the east wing. He said he will be with you and the princess tonight." Jungkook told her.

The woman looks sad. "Please don't be sad, my lady. I'm sure my lord loves you both as much as he loves Areum and her mother." Jungkook tried to cheer her up but it didn't work. "What's the point Jungkook. I'm just a human. I couldn't give him a full demon daughter." The woman said while looking Yeji playing with Hanzo.

"She may be half, but she's still my princess." Jungkook smiled. "You like her?" The woman asked. Jungkook then realized what he had said. He quickly went on his knees. "I'm sorry, my lady. I didn't mean to say that about the princess. Please forgive me my lady." The woman only laughed. "Don't worry Jungkook."

Yeji stirred in her sleep. Beads of sweat cover her face.

Both Jungkook and Yeji are young adult and they spent more time together. Jungkook brought her to the town for the festival that night. "Jungkook oppa, can I have this?" Yeji looked at the candied apple. "Sure, princess." Jungkook nestled the stall and bought it for her.

She smiled in delight and Jungkook looked at her with affection.

The cloth that covered Yeji felt down but Jungkook quickly pulled it up and covered her head.

Yeji's face saddened. "Why do you need to hide me, Jungkook oppa? Am I that ugly?" she asked. "No! Absolutely no, princess! You are the most beautiful maiden I've seen in my life. It's just..." Jungkook couldn't find a word to complete his sentence.

Yeji smiled sadly, "It's because I'm a half isn't it?" Jungkook looked at her in pity. "Let's go somewhere else." Jungkook pulled her hand.

Yeji looked at their intertwined hands and she blushed.

Yeji woke up from the dream. She panted but not heavily. "Wh-What...was... th-that?"


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