Part 34

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Allison and Squirrel try to hide their fear as the watch brother salt skim his hand over various different torture devices that were still covered in blood from the green knight. The two children shook softly in their chair as they stare at the back of the man

Brother salt picks up a metal bat and turns around to face the children with a large smirk on his face "Shall we play now?"

"you're the ugliest of them all" Squirrel says angrily towards brother salt "Inside and out. Kill me, fine. But you will still be you forever and that's a worse hell than anything i can think of" 

Brother salt lets out a sigh and turns back around to face the table and he begins to look for something else to torture the small kids with and he picks up a large blade and then turns back around to face the kids with a smirk on his mean face

"the tongue first it think" The man says and fear begins to race through the children but they knew they couldn't show it, even to a blind man.

"Dont touch him, or i swear to

"go on then. Take it. Ill still keep talking, ill be in your nightmares talking, telling you just how ugly you are. When you try to wake up your eyes wont open 'cause you sewed them up like a bloody idiot" Squirrel mocks and yells at the men as he shakes softly from the fear that was coursing through his veins

"Leave him alone" Allison growls angrily as she glares daggers up at the man and she struggled to get her arms free and launch herself at the man

Suddenly the sound of the tent opening echoes throughout the tent and brother salt turns his head in confusion "who is it"

The children watch in shock as the weeping warrior walks through the entrance of the tent and stands next to brother salt, and deep down the children couldn't help but hope that he would be there to save him but the two of them knew that that would be very unlikely 

"Have you come to watch? my weeping brother" Brother salt asks the man next to him with humour laced in his tone

The weeping warrior brings out his blade and quickly slides it along brother salts neck, causing blood to spray everywhere and the two children to watch in shock.

The weeping monk quickly launched himself forward and began to cut the ropes that tightly bonded the kids to the blood stained chairs and then he grabs onto them tightly and quickly leads them outside.

The wind suddenly picks up and they feel the power of the wolf blood which shaking through the lands, the paladins race around as the knights of camelot begin to attack, breaking the deal between the two sides. 

The weeping monk kept his head down low as he dragged the two kids through the empty part of the camp, trying to get them out without causing a scene but he stops when he notices the men standing in front of him. They wore long black robes and masks made of gold covered their faces. The weeping monk ushers for the kids to run

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