Part 4

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Adira carried the moon child into the village and a few villagers instantly came up to them, knowing who the girl was and they gasped when the noticed the burnt moon child in her arm

"i need to see your best healers right away" Adira commands and they nod and quickly run off and then they come back with a woman and a few others that Adira assumed to be healers

"right this way" the lady tells them quickly and Adira follows after them and they are lead into a room and Adira carefully places the child on a bed in the middle of the room and then steps back out of the way of the healers but kept a close eye on the moon child to make sure that nothing happened to her

"what happened?" The sky people as the moon child and the warrior quickly as the begin to tend to her wounds and the warrior stays quiet

"They came by day as we slept. The men in red robes. They burned our trees and the smoke killed many in their sleep. Others burned or fell. But the weeping warrior saved most of us. She protected us" the moon child tells them and then all look at the girl who was standing behind them and she looked away from them and noticed a boy standing outside the tent and his eyes widened when he had realised she noticed him and he quickly hid behind the the tarp materiel and she gave a small smile in the boys direction but stopped when the moon child continued to explain the story of what had happened "the rest fell to the steel of the grey monk but the warrior stopped him. She defeated him. The one who cries"

"The red paladins are moving up north and taking out as much of us as we can. They don't care what age or gender" Adira tells them in a warning tone "there's thousands of them too"

"And we are right in their path" the lady says and Adira nods her head to tell her that she was correct and then a male healer around them continues "we need to send scouts and get a look on their numbers. Will the king do nothing of this slaughter?"

"He will do nothing. No fey is a friend to other pendragon and if it doesn't benefit him than he couldn't care less" Adira tells them

"Don't send people. They will only be killed. I suggest you all leave now while you still can" Adira tells them but they shake their heads at her

"We cannot just leave. This is our home. We can defeat them" the lady tells them which makes Adira scoff in annoyance

"You should listen to me. Get out now while you still can. The others thought they could defeat the red paladins too but they couldn't" Adira tells them

"We are not leaving" a male healer tells her And Adira gives up on arguing not wanting to make their choices for them

"Very well, then you are signing your own suicide note and the death certificate for everyone else in this village" Adira says "I'm leaving her head with you. I must go now and I expect her to be healed soon. I will know if something has happened to her" she warned and then Adira turned away from them and walked out of the tent and noticed that the boy was still standing there so she stopped walking

"Is there something you need to say to me young warrior?" Adira asks the boy and he looks at her in confusion

"I'm no warrior" he tells her and she chuckles softly

"I don't believe that for a second. I can see it in your eyes, your a fighter" she tells him and then pulls a medium sized blade out of her pocket that she had made. It was proper silver and it had leaves on the hilt made of gold. The sheath that held the blade was black leather and there was a symbol on it that he had never seen before and it was also made of gold. It was unique and it was beautiful. She handed it over to the boy with a smile "I want you to have this. You can use it to protect yourself"

The boy stared down at in in awe and carefully took it out of her hands and begin to twist it around in his own and observe the hilt "it's amazing, I've never seen anything like this. Where did you get it?"

"I made it a few years back. It's really important to me so I'm trusting you to look after it for me. I want you to use it to protect you and your people and it will protect you. Don't let others see it especially other kids and older kids because they might want to take it" Adira tells him before messing up his hair "good bye young warrior. I hope to see you again soon"

"Thank you" he calls out to her and watches as she begins to walk away and then he quickly shoves the dagger carefully into his back pocket

Adira had asked one of the villagers for their horses and they were kind enough to give her one for her to ride back

By the time Adira had gotten back it was already night time and most of the fey were sleep and the moon children that she had rescued were there so she was definitely happy about that

Adira made her way up to her room which she was fortunate enough to have and she noticed the small girl asleep on her bed under the blankets and a small smile made its way into Adiras face as she grabbed a pillow off of the bed and a spare blanket before laying her swords down next to her and then laying down on the floor but just as she closes her eyes to go to sleep she hears small and scared whispers and then suddenly Allison wakes up crying and Adira quickly gets up and crawls into the bed next to the young girl and pulls her into her arms and runs her hand through her hair softly while quietly hushing the girl

"It's alright. Your safe here. I'm not going to let anything happen to you again" Adira whispers in her ear softly

"Can you please stay with me" the girl asks softly and Adira is uncomfortable at first but then hesitantly nods her head and lays down and hold the girl protectively like a mother in her arms "are you going to wear your mask to sleep?"

"I don't want anyone to see my face" Adira whispers to her softly "I never take it off"

"Are you scared people will judge you" Allison asks softly

"I'm not scared of anything" Adira lies and looks down at the girl and quietly whispers "now go to sleep"

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