Part 1

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*9 years ago*

"Adira hurry they are coming" Lancelot yells out as he quickly grabs the girls hand but she pulls away from him and grips her sword in both of her small hands 

"We have to fight," Adira says to the boy as he tries to pull her away and the sounds of screams could be heard echoing throughout the forest and it made both of the 14-year-olds blood run cold

"They will kill us Adira" Lancelot pleads and tries to grab her but she still continues to resist as she stands her ground and waits for them to come and get her 

"I would rather die fighting than to die running away" she replies and stands up tall and strong

"I'm not letting you die, in about 10 seconds a group of me are going to come over that mountain with giant swords and they are going to kill us, we need to get out of here right now. I'm not going to lose you" He says and she finally turns to look at him and she can see the fear that was burning cold into his eyes and the way that is body was shaking in fear and he struggled to keep a grip on his sword 

"Very well, come on" She tells him and then seathes her sword behind her back and then grabs onto his wrist and begins to pull him away and they both begin to run as fast as they possibly could away from all of the chaos.

They ran and ran for hours and hours, they were famished and they were thirsty and it felt like they o longer had any purpose in the world. their family was dead, all of them wiped out. And the worst part about it was that it wasn't even the man blood that had done the unholy dead of slaughtering hundreds of Ash people, men, women and children. But other fey.

Adira and Land Lancelot were the only ones left but at least they had each other, it ha always basically just been the two of them anyway, they were outcasts in their village. It was mainly because Adira was different to them, while she shared the markings with the rest of her kind, her abilities were far greater, she was an abomination, born from an affair between her other and the elemental folk. she was able to control the elements and the ash folk feared her and grew envious of her powers. Even her own mother could barely stand to look at her and her bright, ocean blue eyes. The only person that stood by her side was lancelot, an orphan boy who ran around the village living off scraps and the food that Adira would take from her own house and bring for him.

They were connected by the hip and did everything together, they didn't care to much that they were outcasts because they still had each other and they thanked the gods for that.

Lancelot and Adira finally stop when they make it to a small river and they collapsed beside it and began to wash their faces and quickly drink it. the dark grey markings under their eyes that looked like tears, stood out against their ghostly pale skin.

"What's going to happen to us?" Lancelot asks softly as he looks over at the girl who was rubbing the water over her arms to try and clean the blood off them and then she pulled out her two swords and began to wash the blood off of them too. She was strong, even though she was so young, she was basically the best fighter in the village yet there was still a lot of room for her abilities to grow. the water acted differently around her than it did to him, it were as if it were ore calm and soft for the girl.

she got up and walked closer to Lancelot and sat down beside him and laid her head onto his shoulder and let out a soft sigh and he placed a soft kiss on top of her head and then placed his head on hers 

"I don't know yet, but I think we are going to be okay. Im, sure there are some people around who can help us and until then we can look out for ourselves, the both of us are rather skilled with our swords" She mumbles and watched the water as it flowed calmly down the stream they sat there in silence enjoying each others company as they tried to get the previous events out of their heads. they were homeless and their kind had been slaughtered by fey and the two of them were completely heartbroken though they did not show it. they had to be strong. they had to be strong for each other so that is exactly what they did 

"Come on, lets go and get some food before it gets dark and then we will stay in the tress for the night, it will be safer up there than it is down here" Adira tells him and he nods his head slowly before standing up and then he offers a hand to her which she gladly takes and then he pulls her up with him and they grab their swords and grip both of them in their hands and make their way into the wild to get themselves some food for the night.

about half an hour later they make their way back towards the river an Adira held two rabbits in her hand while Lancelot held firewood in his hands.

Lancelot watched the girl in awe as she lit the fire with her hands, a small flame coming out of her palm and landing on the pile of sticks that they had made and the light coming off the fire hit the girl in the face in a way that showed here face of beautifully. She got ready to prepare the rabbit to cook but he carefully took the two rabbits out of her hand and began doing it for her and she gave him a small smile as she laid back on the ground with her hands behind her head and she stared up at the sky that was beginning to get dark and the stars were all beginning to shine

"what if the stars are fallen fey that stay up there to watch over us?" Adira asks the boy and he looks over at her and stares at her with admiration as her eyes stared up at the sky

"well id say that they were doing a pretty shit job of looking after us," He says to her with a chuckle and begins to skin the rabbits and neither of them says anything for a while after that. they didn't know what to say, their life had changed so drastically in one day and everything was all messed up. but Adira begins to think back the Ash Folk were warriors who fought to protect, but maybe they had done something that had upset some of the other fey

"Maybe we deserved it" Adira whispers out and he looks over at her in confusion and disbelief 

"Adira Maia, there is nothing that you could do to deserve any amount of pain" He tells her quietly and then begins to cook the rabbits and ignore the look that the girl was now giving him

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