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It has been 2 months since the last crusade. Lord Konaruta and his apprentice were traveling to Ryloth.

As Lord Konaruta and his apprentice Riko exited they were met with starving and malnourished natives. The senator of the of Ryloth then came.

"Ahh. My Lord. It is good to see you." He said bowing.

Lord Konaruta didn't listen to him. Instead he went over to a little family. The father stood in front of his wife and two daughters. Anakin looked at them

"When was the last time you ate?" He asked.

"A week ago, my Lord." He said fearfully.

He turned back to the Senator.

"Senator. Why haven't these people eaten in a week." He asked angrily.

"They get enough food already. They just eat it all at once." The senator Said boastfully.

The people there all looked down in shame.

"Well then..... You are officially relieved of duty." He said calmly.


"If this is how you treat your people then you to be disposed of. These are my subjects and they will be treated fairly."

Two warriors appeared and restrained the fat ex senator.

"Citizens.... Do you want me to execute him?" He asked the natives.

"Please. We want him to suffer." Said a citizen.

"Warriors. Put him on the ship. Contact Lady Karana, and Lady Riloni. Bring food supplies and medical equipment. Bring warriors to distribute it. Dismissed." He commanded.

The warriors nodded and did as instructed.

"My Lord? Was it necessary to remove him from power?" Asked Riko.

"My young apprentice. I was once a Jedi. I fought in the clone wars. I knew that senator. He always gave the impression as if he treats these people with kindness. I was wrong." Hr lamented.

He then faced the same family.

"Do not fret. He can't hurt you anymore." He said calmly.

"T-thank you." Said the father.

He then kneeled down to look at the daughters. The shrunk behind there father. Anakin then took of his mask.

"Hey there. What are your names." Hr asked sweetly.

"I'm Kila." Said the older one.

"I'm Kala." Said the younger she said smiling.

"I'm Anakin Skywalker but you may call me Konaruta. Food will be here soon. And medical supplies." He comforted while standing.

"Thank you my Lord. We haven't eaten since weeks ago. We're grateful." Cried there mother.

"Citizens of Ryloth. From this day you won't go hungry. Food and Medical supplies will be here momentarily." He announced. The natives then cheered out of glee.

10 minutes later a ship landed and warriors carried food supplies with there jet packs. The two Ladies of the Sith teleported beside the Grand Lord.

"You called." Asked Lady Karana

"The former senator has been restricting the food and the medicine."

"WHAT. WHERE IS HE. I'LL HAVE HIS HEAD." She growled. The natives looked in awe as they watched the twilek sith.

Bly and 15 other warriors then showed up with a crate of food via jetpack.

"Bly. Distribute the food from door to door." Instructed Lord Konaruta.

"You heard him lads." Then they went to work.

"How was your honey moon lady Riloni?" Asked the Grand Lord Of The Sith.

"It was nice. Fives got his aging Gene removed so that made it more special. Still you should be asking Lady Karana. I heard Bly took her on a trip to the pleasure planet. Multiple times." Smirked the old Togrutan.

"Sh-shut up Riloni. I  uh." The twilek was now a blushing mess.

The two women were both wedded on the same day. The ceremony was beautiful with flowers and we all sang Vode An.

Lord Kotaku already married Tika. Ahsoka is still dating Wallace. Cal and Barriss have been together for a few weeks. And Plo Koon has been courting with one the fee warriors since he joined the Sith Order. It's great. Anakin and Bo Kataan's wedding is due next week.

"Ahh. Don't take it personally. But still use protection. It's too early for little Princesses and princes right now." Said Lord Konaruta winking.

"Not you too." She whined. The natives were listening to us and laughed at our antics.

Soon they moved to other sections of the planet.

Ryloth was now treated fairly. Ryloth was safe

Words 710

Posted 31/7/2020

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