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As the 4 newly created sith Lords landed on Mandalore they were met with warriors and a woman with an owl styled helmet.

"Statr your business Jedi." She asked.

"We renounce the Jedi. I am a descadant  of the sith Lord Konaruta Skywalker. We only reside with the Jedi due the war. We hope for an alliance with you." Said Lord Konaruta.

"Why is that?"

"The prophesy spoke off 4 who would leave the Jedi and to seek out the clan of Kryze." Explained Lady Riloni.

"Warriors. The prophesy has been fulfilled. All hail the lords of the sith." She said kneeling. As did the Mandalorians.

"Please raise yourselves. We come only to to seek an alliance under the pretence that we become defenders of Mandalore. What better way to fight the Jedi than with there former allies." Said Lord Kotaku.

"What are we to call our lords." Said Kryze.

"I am Lady Riloni."

"Lady Dumawi at your service."

"Lord Kotaku."

"I am known as Lord Konaruta. Please may we speak to your leader."

"That would be me. Clan Kryze Currently rule Mandalore. I am the head of clan Kryze. Bo Kataan Kryze." Said the Woman removing her helmet.

The sith thrn release their illusion as the warriors look in awe at the men and lust at the Togrutans

"Please let us take you to your room. For generations we awaited your arrival. It has been prepped and kept in condition." She said smiling.

"Thank you. We'll be staying for 2 weeks." Said Lady Dumawi.

As they were led to the room warriors spread news of the sith lords. Warriors were heard cheering.

"You are almost like gods here. The Jedi have always hated us for no reason. The ancient sith protected us but they were wiped out. My ancestor Talopi Kryze was the ruler at the time. He died protectinf the sith and Mandalore." Said the Kryze clan head.

"We're sorry to here." Said Lord Kotaku.

"Anyway here's your room."

"Actually I want to try something. You guys stay here. Bo Kataan can you lead me to a training room?" Asked Lord Konaruta.

"Sure. Follow me "

Training Room

"So what did you want to try?"


Hr interlocked his knuckles with his digits pointing out. He inhaled and felt a sensation akin to a tingling. Hr thrn exhaled. The warriors watched as a grand fireball consumed half the training room.

"What the in the name of Tarre Vizla was that!?" Exclamaimed Bo.

"In the sith records I learned some elemental techniques. I sense the force in you. Try it?" Said the fallen Jedi.

Bo shrugged and did the same abd exhaled. The fireball wasn't as big but still deadly.

"Woah." Is all she could say.

"Lady Kryze. What was that?" Asked a warrior.

"I don't know." She said.

"It's ancient sith technique. Unbeknownst to the Jedi most Mandalorians are force sensitive. Alot of you have these abilities. For instance *coats hand in lightning* this was known as the Chidori. An Assassination technique." Explained the sith Lord.

"My Lord is it possible that you teach me and my warriors." Asked BoKataan.

"I see no reason not to. We start tommorow."

"Thanks you my Lord. Sorry to ask but is it possible to see your face. For moral of course." Said the Owl. She tried covering up the timidness in her head but it slip out.

He chuckled then pulled off the mask to reveal the his brown hair and handsome fsce. The Nite Owl leader blushed slightly.

"Anakin stop showing off." Said his former student walking with her adopted mother and Quinlan.

"Mmhmm. Anyway if we come back to Mandalore your are to call us by name. Not title. When we return to out corrupt system we will keep you informed." I announced.

"So what your names."

"I'm Anakin Skywalker, this is Ahsoka, Quinlan and Shaak Ti." He said pointing to his accomplices.

"Let your names be praised by the ancestors my lords." Said a warrior.

"Thank you." Said Ahsoka giggling at the warriors attics. She then went over to talk to him.

"Hey. I'm Ahsoka." She greeted.

The warriors went one knee

"I am Wallace Rinom of the Kryze Branch Clan." Said the warrior.

"*Giggle* please stand. As of now we are friends not Lord and subordinates." He said.

The warrior rose.

"I'm sorry my Lord. I mean A-Ahsoka." He said nervously.

While that was happening Quinlan was talking to a femme warrior.

"Well hello there." Hr greeted.

"Lord Kotaku. It is an honor to be in your presence." Greeted the woman bowing slightly.

"No need for formalities. My name is Quinlan. What is yours."

"I'm Tika Kryze of the main Family." She said timidly.

"Really? Interesting." He said looking her up and down.

While that was happening Shaak Ti saw a familiar face. A clone who she had trained. She thought he had died on the battle field.

"Fives?" She said timidly.

"Shaak. It's been so long. I can't believe you're here." He said in awe.

"Where were you."

"After I was thought to be dead a Mandalorian saved me and took me here." Hr explained. She then wrapped her arms around him.

"I've missed you." She said.

"Same here."

They shared a warm tender kiss. Warriors began to cheer on the public display of love and affection.

So far so good.

Words 895

Posted 29/7/2020

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