The Sith Army of Mandalore

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As the warriors got in groups of 700 they waited anxiously for there lords.

Lord Konaruta then showed himself.

"Today our ranking system shall take place. Group 1. You are Tango Company. Commander Kestis will be your commanding officer."

The newly appointed sith Lord stepped forward and got familiar with his company

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The newly appointed sith Lord stepped forward and got familiar with his company.

"Group 2. You will be Rancor Company. Commander Karana( Aayla Secura) is yours."

"Group three will be lead by Command Melki (Barriss)

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"Group three will be lead by Command Melki (Barriss). You are Pico Company.

"Group 4: Tanuki Company

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"Group 4: Tanuki Company. Commander will be Lady Dumawi."

"Group 5: Wolcott Company. Commander: Lady Riloni."

"Group 6: Squalls Company. Commander: Lord Kotaku."

"I and Bo Kataan will lead as Generals. The captains will be chosen by the commander. Remember this is war. This is our time to get revenge for our ancestors. For Mandalore." Spoke the Grand Lord Of The Sith.

"For Mandalore."

The thing is he had more warriors than that. The issue was he sent them to secure his planets. Each planet had enough warriors to hold there own against 300 Jedi. Now he had 2800 warriors against the 10000. He would have to strategize. Good thing is he was once a Jedi. He trained the warriors in form 7. Only three Jedi knew form 7 and he was one of them. Plus they had elemental techniques.

It was then ok tht horizon they saw ships on the horizon. The ships landed in a tundra biome everyone could sense the flux lights side energy. Immediately Lord Konaruta sprung into gear.

"Tango, Rancor and Pico. I want you to create a border around the city perimeter. Tanuki Company flank on the left. Squalls flank on the right. Wolcott Company get behind them and destroy there ships. I you have the force I want you on the front lines mainly. If not then stay behind them or get in the air. I sense two hundred Jedi. May the Force and the ancestors be with you. Now fight for your home. FOR MANDALORE!" Konaruta's speech and instructions whipped them into orderly Chaos as the Warriors flew off with jet packs while the Sith Lords jumped from building to building.

Soon after everything was in place. They had all reached there positions. Suddenly the Jedi sprung into action but we're immediately stopped when they heard the Explosion. It was caused by there ship being destroyed. Now they had no wear to run as the Mandos attacked from the air and the ground.

The Jedi who were sent were mainly comprised of newly appointed knights and there Padawans. They could not keep up with the skill of the warriors. In less than 5 minutes only 3 remained. They were Ki Adi Mundi, Adi Gallia and Plo Koon.

"Don't shoot. I come to join you." Plo Koon.

Konaruta stepped forward.

"Prove it."

Plo Koon then took out his lightsaber and decapitated the other Jedi.

"It's a pleasure to have you on board Plo Koon. Warriors the battle is won. And we have a new member of the sith Order." Said the fallen Jedi.

The Jedi on Corruscant then got a recording from Plo Koon.

"The Sith have one and they have new ally." Said the traitor over a holocall.

"Who?" Asked Windu.


At that he destroyed the device and got into sith attire and claimed the name Lord Royate.

At that he destroyed the device and got into sith attire and claimed the name Lord Royate

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Words 555

Posted 29/7/2020

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