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As Anakin, Ahsoka, Shaak Ti and Quinlan a.k.a. the Crusaders landed on Moraband they immediately felt the dark side. They work well together for many reasons. Anakin is the power. Ashoka is the Stealth. Shaak Ti is the diplomat and brains. Quinlan is the tracker.

"Quinlan. Can you trace the source of that force energy." Asked Anakin to Quinlan.

"Yup. It's in that temple." Answered the Jedi Master.

"Great. Let's get going." Said the young Togruta rushing off

"Patience my daughter. We enter together." Said the older Togrutan. Due to being from the same tribe Shaak has adopted her.

"She's right snips." Said her former master. She thrn slowed down and waited for her crew.

"Still you gotta admit this is better than being on the front lines." Said Quinlan.

"True." Said the former padawan.

As they entered the temple they saw bones. They then saw a book.

Anakin picked it up and opened it only to be net with a hologram.

"To anyone who finds this beware the Jedi. They have attacked the sith solely because they view us as evil. We simply want to live peacefully and learn the lost ways of the force. For that they despise us and Massacre us. Even the students and younglings. I was once a Jedi but I've seen the hypocrisy created. Beware the Jedi. I am Konaruta Skywalker, to all force weilders and my descadant beware the knights of the republic. Seek the Mandalorian clan off Kryze for guidance." Said the hologram it then ended

"I can't believe this. The books were true." Said an astonished Ti.

"This is unacceptable. The Jedi act like they have all the answers. That's why the texts never elaborated on my grandfather." Said an angry Skywalker.

Ahsoka said a quick prayer of apology to the ancient sith lords.

"I thought something was off. The Jedi are losing there way. I feel we need to change our ways. I say we follow the ways of the ancient sith." Suggested Vos.

"Agreed. The Jedi though would never accept this." Said the younger Togrutan.

"But I want this war to end first. How about we stay just to lead our troops." Said former slave.

"Let's do more research on the customs of the old sith and we carry out there will in secret." Suggested the older Togrutan.

"Let's get too it." Said Ahsoka.

For five hours of reading they all memorized sith practices and Techniques.

"We should head back. And as of today I'm stepping down from the council." Said the Togruta Master.

"Understood. The book says we just wear certain clothes that reflect or personalities and our lightsabers aswell. The last will and testament of Konaruta Skywalker said that right here there is a set of clothing and his and his friends lightsaber." Said the descadant. He pushed a button and preserved closet with traditional sith clothing. They all chose there clothing.

Ahsoka is the first to step out with her standard lightsabers

Ahsoka is the first to step out with her standard lightsabers

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Shaak Ti complimented her. She took a simpler design.

Quinlan stepped out and dawned a mask

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Quinlan stepped out and dawned a mask

Then everyone watched as Anakin stepped out in his ancestor's armor and his crossgaurd

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Then everyone watched as Anakin stepped out in his ancestor's armor and his crossgaurd.

Then everyone watched as Anakin stepped out in his ancestor's armor and his crossgaurd

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"I must admit they had great taste. Now we use the illusion technique. VOTAHINA."shouted the Skywalker chanting an ancient force ability. Suddenly they all looked as if they were in there former clothing.

"Now our names."

"I'll be.... Lord Kotaku." Said Quinlan.

"I'll be Lady Riloni." Said the older Togrutan.

"I'll be Lady Dumawi." Said the former padawan.

"And I am Lord Konaruta. From this day on through us the ancient sith live on. We will leave the Jedi order as soon as the war ends and form a new sith order. One of peace and war. We will not attack the Jedi scum unless forced." He spoke.

They agreed then flew back to Corruscant.

They then stood before the council.

"Did you find the sith Lord?" Asked Windu.

"No Master. The temple is destroyed and the planet desolate." Said 'Master' Skywalker.

"Yes and I wish to step down from the council. I wish to train the clones full time. I wish that Aayla take my place." Said Lady Riloni. Her face stern.

"Ask why may we." Said the grandmaster of hypocrisy.

"No." The lady of the sith said.

"Hmm. All right then due to your track record and overall quietness of the CIS we are awarding you a holiday. A week long on any planet. You choose it and we don't have to know. Making it totally private." Said Master Kenobi.

"Thanks. Much appreciated." Said Lord Kotaku.

They bowed and left with smiles.

Words 771

Posted 28/7/2020

Thanks you all for reading my first chapter. This is my first long running SWCW book so plz stay tuned.

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